Screenshot 2013-12-30 15.26.12


Artists: Doug Ashford, Claire Barclay, José León Cerrillo, Matias Faldbakken, Claudia Fernández, Goldin+Senneby, Liam Gillick, Wade Guyton, Gunilla Klingberg, David Maljković, Mai-Thu Perret, Seth Price, Walid Raad, Emily Roysdon, Salón, Bojan Šarčević, Ultra-red, Anton Vidokle

Abstract Possible is the latest installment in the series Minor Histories, Larger Worlds at the Museo Tamayo. It also forms part of a larger research project on abstraction and contemporary art, entitled Abstract Possible, that is being car- ried out over the course of two years in various locations, including Malmö, Zurich, Stockholm and Stuttgart. A collaboration is being developed in each of the host institutions and will be manifested through different formats such as group shows, a duo exhibition, a seminar, a webpage.

To read more about this event, click here

Microhistorias y Macromundos III

26 de marzo a 7 de agosto de 2011

Curator: Maria Lind

Sala A, Museo Rufino Tamayo

Mexico City, Mexico