
Pre-Columbian Art and the Post-Columbian World: Ancient American Sources of Modern Art
By Barbara Braun
Published by Harry N. Abrams in 1993
340 pages

Pre-Columbian Art and the Post-Columbian World: Ancient American Sources of Modern Art by Barbara Braun and published by Harry N. Abrams in 1993,  is one of the few books written on the relationship between modern art and Pre-Hispanic art. Whereas the subject of the influence of African sculpture on the European Avan-Garde of the early Twentieth century has been widely explored, little has been written on the Pre-Columbian sources of Modern Art. In this book Braun articulates how artists such as Paul Gauguin, Henry Moore, Louise Nevelson, Joaquín Torres-García, Paul Klee, Joseph Albers, Alfred Jensen, Tony Smith, Robert Smithson, and architect Frank Lloyd Wright, are indebted to ancient American forms and ideas, such as Mexican codices and murals, weavings, pottery, sculpture and Mesoamerican temples.

Pre-Columbian Art and the Post-Columbian World: Ancient American Sources of Modern Art  (Arte Precolombino y el mundo post-colombino: fuentes del arte moderno en la America antigua) de Barbara Braun y publicado por Harry N. Abrams en 1993, es uno de los pocos libros escritos sobre la relación entre el arte moderno y el arte prehispánico.  Mientras que el tema de la influencia de la escultura africana sobre la vanguardia europea de comienzos de siglo XX ha sido ampliamente explorada, poco se ha escrito sobre las fuentes del arte moderno inspiradas en el arte pre-colombino. En este libro Braun explica como artistas tales como Paul Gauguin, Henry Moore, Louise Nevelson, Joaquín Torres-García, Paul Klee, Joseph Albers, Alfred Jensen, Tony Smith, Robert Smithson, y el arquitecto Frank Lloyd Wright, están endeudados con las formas e ideas de la America Prehispánica, tales como los codices y murales Mexicanos, textiles, cerámica, escultura y templos mesoamericanos.