Artists: Faig Ahmed, Marie Julia Bollansée, Célio Braga, Tiffany Chung, Julie Cockburn, Kyriaki Costa, Ana de la Cueva, Yael Davids, Shezad Dawood, Gluklya, Nicholas Hlobo, Merel Karhof, Aisha Khalid, Fransje Killaars, Kimsooja, Monali Meher, Christien Meindertsma, Almagul Menlibayeva, Floor Nijdeken, Barbara Polderman, Saad Qureshi, Berend Strik, Lin Tianmiao, Remco Torenbosch.
Threads. Textiles in art & design
March 15 – August 17, 2014
Museum Arnhem (former Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem)
Arnhem, The Netherlands
The exhibition features works from more than 20 international artists and designers in which the medium of thread or textiles play a prominent role. Their work can be seen as a metaphor for the ‘interweaving’ of artistry and craft; art and the public; and personal and societal themes.
The exhibition is multidisciplinary and includes installations, video works, wall hangings and standing objects, some of which are interactive.