
Gabriel Sierra: ggaabbrriieell ssiieerrrraa
November 9 – December 14, 2013
Mexico City, Mexico

Through interventions based upon the notions of abstraction and geometry, Gabriel Sierra presents his viewers with an anthropological study of the language of spaces and architecture. Installation, as well as objects and structures, are used to construct situations in which the ordinary aspects of the quotidian are the main theme for exploration. In parallel, his work reflects on how forms, materials, and space have the power to alter human behavior and attitude.

Until December 14th, kurimanzutto is pleased to present Gabriel Sierra’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, titled, ggaabbrriieell ssiieerrrraa. For which he uses the distortion of his own name as a piece in itself, bringing attention to something that would normally go unnoticed. By interrupting the expectation of grammatical structure, he intends to refocus the perception of everyday dynamics, an intentional modification that functions with the same purpose as his installations.

Click here to view Gabriel Sierra on Abstraction in Action.