
Artists: Álvaro Barrios, Eduardo Berliner, Luis Camnitzer, Mario Cravo Neto, Antonio Dias, Paz Errázuriz, León Ferrari, Guillermo Kuitca, Liliana Porter, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Melanie Smith and Horacio Zabala.

Dark Mirror, Art from Latinamerica since 1968
September 27, 2015 – January 31, 2016
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
Wolfsburg, Germany

In its exhibition, Dark Mirror: Art from Latinamerica since 1968, the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg provides compelling and multi-faceted look at contemporary art in Central and South America.

Topics such as the literal and metaphorical boundaries of freedom, gender identity, social criticism and political power as well as reflections on nature vs. urban existence will be examined via more than 150 works. These come from all genres of art – including installations, objects, paintings, photographs, videos and works on paper – and will be shown in an exhibition space encompassing 1100 square meters. This extensive selection of works, from the largest and most important institution devoted to contemporary Latin American art in Europe: the Zurich-based Daros Latinamerica Collection, not only sheds light on parallels to the history of European art but also on specific Latin American developments, particularly since the 1960s.

The works by such artists as Álvaro Barrios; Eduardo Berliner; Luis Camnitzer; Mario Cravo Neto; Antonio Dias; Paz Errázuriz; León Ferrari; Guillermo Kuitca; Liliana Porter; Miguel Ángel Rojas; Melanie Smith and Horacio Zabala provide a striking picture of Latin American art’s creative diversity and energy.

With respect to its beginnings in 1967 as well as its focus on groups of works by major artists, there are conceptual parallels between the Daros Latinamerica Collection and the holdings of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. The examination of the artistic continent of Latin America in the Dark Mirror exhibition also serves, in this context, as a laboratory for a global expansion of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg’s collection.

The exhibition Dark Mirror Art from Latinamerica since 1968 is supported by the artEDU Foundation.

Image: Marcos López, Criollitas, 1996/2006