Artist: Miguel Rothschild
XXI. Rohkunstbau – Apokalypse
June 21 – September 6, 2015
Roskow castle
Postdam-Mittlemark, Germany
This year marks the twenty-first edition of the Rohkunstbau exhibition. Themed apocalypse and set against the historic backdrop of Schloss Roskow in the District of Potsdam-Mittelmark, the exhibition presents nine artists and an artist duo from eight nations.
The notion of transition serves as the focus of the examination of apocalypse. Every end brings a new beginning. This choice of theme for the XXI. Rohkunstbau is loosely tied to Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen. But instead of being an exact interpretation of Götterdämmerung, the fourth and final part of the Ring, the exhibition draws on Wagner’s notion of an end and subsequent beginning. Wagner has served as inspiration for Rohkunstbau’s exhibition since 2011. In previous exhibitions artists have been invited to address themes of Power (2011), Morals (2013), and Revolution (2014), now followed by Apocalypse for 2015.