Artists: Gabriel Rico Jiménez and Octavio Abúndez
Presentando lo Irrepresentable
January 30 – April 11, 2014
Curro & Poncho
Jalisco, Mexico
CURRO & PONCHO is pleased to present its first show of the year: “Presentando lo Irrepresentable”. A two man show by mexican artists Gabriel Rico Jimenez (Lagos de Moreno, 1980) and Octavio Abundez (Monterrey, 1981).
Borrowing from Francois Lyotard’s 1982 essay entitled Presenting the Unpresentable, this show attempts to confront viewers and their preconceived notions regarding symbology and representation.
By taking as its reference point notions such as liminality, border-related thresholds, rites of passing as well as their philosophical and ambiguous implications, Abundez and Rico transmit the impassible nature of such concepts through an almost esquizofrenic practice.
“Presentando lo Irrepresentable” is curated by Francisco Borrego Vergara