
Artists: Richard Garet, Barbara Held and Yapci Ramos

December 13, 2013 – February 14, 2014
Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre, Tenerife, Spain

The common link between the first Cabinet of Curiosities of the Renaissance, the Natural History of the seventeenth century and modern research today is the exhibition of objects kept imploring the public to enjoy the experience of the new. The proposal presented to the creators BioDerivas Richard Garet, Barbara Held and Yapci Ramos is closely related to the mission of the museum. Here, in their eagerness to see the world around them, they use technology to capture and display images and sounds that allow re-contextualize our own perception of the world.

The work of Garet, Held and Ramos, both individually and as a whole, highlights the importance of perception through careful listening, focused look and the complex process of human perception, creating a micro-habitat in the museum active exploration rewards and offers thoughtful contemplation for the understanding of the world around us through the senses of sight and hearing.

BioDerivas contrasts the different and unknown to the common, everyday, expanding, thus our knowledge of sound and image within our ecosystem and across the boundaries of language to help understand the complexity of the natural environment.