Tulio Pinto wins Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI
XIII Salão Nacional de Artes de Itajaí
November 16th – December 15th, 2013
Fundação Cultural de Itajaí / Rua Lauro Müler, 53, Brazil
Casa da Cultura Dide Brandão / Rua Hercilio Luz, 681, Brazil
From November 16 to December 16, 2013, Itajai presented in its space the 13 SNAI – National Arts Hall of Itajaí. This year, the Hall brought to Itajaí 114 artists from virtually every state in Brazil.
The works were presented in several areas of the city (cultural centers, parks, harbor wall, beach). The research center was composed by Caue Alves curator, artist Divine Sobral and general curator of the 13th SNAI Joshua Mattos. The choice of the three winning works was made by Ane Fernandes (Director of Art of Itajai Cultural Foundation), and Divine Caue Alves Sobral.
Acquisition prizes were awarded to artists Pink Bunchaft (Salvador), Philip Steinberg (Campinas) and Túlio Pinto (Brasília, DF – lives and works in London) with Nadir# 2 installation.
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