Artists: Shuvinai Ashoona, Jamison Chas Banks, Raymond Boisjoly, Andrea Bowers, Matthew Buckingham, Adriana Bustos, Johanna Calle, Luis Camnitzer, Liz Cohen, Minerva Cuevas, Blue Curry, Agnes Denes, Juan Downey, Gianfranco Foschino, Futurefarmers, Anna Bella Geiger, Andrea Geyer, Frank Gohlke, Pablo Helguera, James Hyde, Deborah Jack, Yishai Jusidman, Leandro Katz, Irene Kopelman, Miler Lagos, Glenda León, Ric Lum, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Gilda Mantilla & Raimond Chaves, Daniel Joseph Martinez, Jason Middlebrook, Ohotaq Mikkigak, Kent Monkman, Patrick Nagatani, Florence Miller Pierce, Fernando Palma Rodríguez, Marcel Pinas, Edward Poitras, Marcos Ramirez ERRE & David Taylor, Kevin Schmidt, Allan Sekula, Melanie Smith, Charles Stankievech, Clarissa Tossin, and Antonio Vega Macotela
Unsettled Landscapes
July 20, 2014 – January 11, 2015
Santa Fe SiteLines, New Perspectives on Art of the Americas
Santa Fe, NM, USA
Unsettled Landscapes looks at the urgencies, political conditions and historical narratives that inform the work of contemporary artists across the Americas – from Nunavut to Tierra del Fuego. Through three themes – landscape, territory, and trade – this exhibition expresses the interconnections among representations of the land, movement across the land, and economies and resources derived from the land.
September 25, 2014