Artist: Montez Magno
Montez Magno
October 3 – November 8, 2014
Christinger de Mayo
Zurich, Switzerland
This exhibition brings a selection of Montez Magno works that developed his entropic impulse, broadly rooted in a sensitive and experimental dimension of spatiality. (…) Thus, more interested in invention, in the force of creation not only as an act, but rather as a constant exercise, Montez Magno rearranges materials as diverse and ordinary as a bar of soap, a watercolour pen or screws, constituting a centrifugal, variable oeuvre open to the other that – unconcerned with “structuring the world” in a universal spatiality (whether cosmological or cosmogonical) – is inclined, in turn, to create small, ephemeral and punctual arrangements which, in response to all variety of political and sensitive contexts, nonetheless have the power to make inventors out of all of us.
Selection of original text by Clarissa Diniz