
Happenings provides references on art events, exhibitions, biennales, art fairs and festivals, with a focus on Abstraction in Action artists and post-90s abstraction from Latin America.

Soledad Arias: Some more or less distant realities


Artists: Jin-me Yoon, Faye HeavyShield, Terry Frost, T. R. Uthco and Ant Farm, Shelley Niro, Soledad Arias, Laura Vickerson.

Soledad Arias: Some more or less distant realities
July 11-September 5, 2016
Walter Phillips Gallery, Satellite Space
Alberta, Canada

The exhibition comprises works from the Walter Phillips Gallery permanent collection, which was founded in 1977. Echoing the logic of Breton’s idea of the image, Some more or less distant realities is curated using the exquisite corpse method—a Surrealist technique employed to create (poems, images) collectively. Multiple individuals such as curators, artists and arts workers have selected the works in this exhibition through a process of sequential choices.


Impact Structures: Elena Damiani


Artist: Elena Damiani 

Impact Structures
August 18, 2016 – September 24, 2016
Galerie Nordenhake Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Working with collage, sculpture, video and installations Peruvian artist Elena Damiani employs the disciplines of geology, geography, cartography, archaeology and astronomy to reinterpret such categorisations and the way we understand the world around us. Her fictional and constructed landscapes propose alternative readings of geological time, history and humankind’s classifications of evidence. For her first exhibition at Galerie Nordenhake Damiani uses sources such as NASA, the Lunar and Planetary Institute and the U.S. Geological Survey repository to present a framework of quasi-evidence on celestial bodies like meteorites and comets and their landfalls. The works in the exhibition comprise documentation of traces of surface impacts, celestial transits, and cosmic debris left by impact events. Scientific evidence merges with fiction revealing how technology informs our representations of nature, and examining what we actually know about the natural world and how that knowledge is produced.

Jaime Davidovich (1936-2016)


Jaime Davidovich (1936-2016)

Abstraction in Action is saddened to announce the passing of Jaime Davidovich, who died on August 27 in New York.


My taped projects are about surfaces, context and space.

I first started working with adhesive tape in 1966. Initially I used the tape to hold my paintings to the wall, but starting in 1970 I eliminated the painting and concentrated on the tapes as my primary medium. I wanted to explore the possibilities of using spaces where the viewer does not expect art to be found. This concept brought me to intervene staircases, landing platforms and outdoor walls and objects. Each work was created for a unique space. When covering a surface, the tape creates an additive grid full of amorphous patterns caused by air bubbles. When developing a tape project, sometimes paper or a photograph was the support and framework for the piece, but many times the project was able to become monumental as it seamlessly adapted to the architecture of the space. Also in 1970, I began to incorporate videotape as part of these projects. The taped projects became “Art on tape and tapes as art”.

Aichi Triennale 2016: Adriana Minoliti


Artist: Adriana Minoliti 

Aichi Triennale 2016
August 11, 2016 — October 23, 2016
Toyohashi, Okazaki, Nagoya, Japan

Combining elements of architecture, design and visual arts, Minoliti’s works disclose a political and historiographic dialogue between eroticism and abstraction. Informed by queer and feminist theories, the artist’s paintings and installations play with gender pictorially, mixing spiritual values and aesthetics appreciations. The human body and geometric figures alike are charged with porn-erotic desires.

Placebound: Clarissa Tossin


Artists: Carmen Argote, Cirilo Domine, Naotaka Hiro, Owen Driggs, Peter Bo Rappmund, Clarissa Tossin.

August 28, 2016 – October 2, 2016
Curated by Bia Gayotto
Nan Rae Gallery, Woodbury University
Burbank, California