Artists: Felipe Arturo, Adrián S. Bará, Alberto Borea, Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, Derek Franklin, Ximena Garrido- Lecca, Leor Grady, José Carlos Martinat, PS3* and Slobodan Stosic
Curated by Meyken Barreto, Carlos Garcia-Montero, Cecilia Jurado and ghostwriter.
May 6, 2016- May 30, 2016
Y Gallery
New York, NY
The show brings together a group of international artists whose practice is characterized by a special sensitivity towards the aesthetic and symbolic potential of everyday materials and objects. Their approach to artistic creation is strongly informed by the context in which their work is produced and by the background from which they come. With different points of departure, from performative to space- based concepts, they investigate and generate narratives about contemporaneity. From Mexico, Peru, USA, Israel, Spain and Serbia, the artists gathered here address different topics from social or politics to contemplative or physics, but they are all joined by a peculiar way to transform their reality in poetic ways.
May 20, 2016 Octavio Abúndez, Adrián S. Bará, José Dávila: Leviatán Octavio Abúndez, Adrián S. Bará, Edgar Cobián, José Dávila, Mauricio Cadena, Adrián Guerrero, Cynthia Gutiérrez, Enrique Hernández, Gonzalo Lebrija, Mario Navarro, Fernando Palomar, Gabriel Rico, Javier M. Rodríguez, Paula Silva, Emanuel Tovar, Francisco Ugarte, Luis Alfonso Villalobos, Sebastián Vizcaíno.
Architects: Andrés Aguilar, Marco Amilcar Sánchez, Aldo Álvarez Tostado + Diego Flores, Marco Betancourt, Javier Dueñas, Alejandro Guerrero + Andrea Soto, Óscar Gutiérrez, León Leroy, Rodrigo Loaiza, Juan López Newton, Salvador Macías + Magui Peredo, Javier Monteón, Álvaro Moragrega, Rafael Plascencia, Jorge Rivera, Francisco Solórzano, Alberto Villar + Gerardo Villar, Pablo Zamudio.
March 28 – June 29, 2014
Curator: Jorge Tejeda
Museo de Arte Raúl Anguiano (MURA)
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
April 28, 2014 Adrián S. Bará
Translated from Spanish
My work, influenced by my formation as a filmmaker and the constant contact with architecture, make me incorporate elements such as abstraction, geometry, memory, light, shadow, the relationships that exist in the creation processes and interaction with life itself.
The process is part of the result within itself, which makes us discover places or questions that we would not make if it wasn’t for that constant search and experimentation of situations and experiences.
The way I materialize my ideas—photography, painting, sculpture and video.
Based on the concept in which the goal is in the process of creation more than in the result, I always seek to let myself be guided by accidents and the unknown, to be able to explore new ideas of expression and abstraction.
Mi trabajo, influenciado por una formación como cinematógrafo y el constante contacto con la arquitectura hacen que incorpore elementos como la abstracción, la geometría, la memoria, la luz, la sombra, la relación que existe en los procesos de creación e interacción con la vida misma.
El proceso es parte del resultado en sí mismo; aquel que hace que descubramos lugares o preguntas que no nos formularíamos si no fuera por esa constante búsqueda y experimentación de situaciones y experiencias.
Las forma en la que materializo mis ideas son: fotografía, pintura, escultura y video.
Basado en el concepto de que la meta está en el proceso de creación más que en el resultado, siempre busco dejarme llevar por los accidentes y lo desconocido para explorar nuevas ideas de expresión y abstracción.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- Cinematógrafo, Capilano College, Vancouver, Canada.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2012: Residencia estudio extendido, Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “En las profundidades de la naturaleza, la razón debe inclinarse”, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2012: “Rock and Roll“, Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2012: “Mondrian abstract skating”, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Sala Juarez, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2012: “Losing Mysealf”, Calle 2, Pabellón A, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “(untitled)”, San Pedro, Garza, García Nuevo León, Mexico
- 2013: “Sin necesidad de profecías”, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2013: “Tinnitus y Fosfenos”, Museo de Arte Zapopan, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2013: “Paradise is an Island so is Hell”, Careyes, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2011: “Everything Must Go”, New York, USA.
- 2013: Rock and Roll, Casa Vecina, estudio extendido.
- Sayago & Pardon, CA, USA.
- Colección Suro, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Colección Fajer, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Colección Enrique Macotela, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Varias colecciones privadas San Pedro, Garza-Garcia, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled”, Masking tape and acrylic paint, 60 x 50 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled” (Detail), Masking tape and acrylic paint, 60 x 50 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012”, 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012” (Detail), 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012” (Detail), 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure”, C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “TL 1948”, Wood, glass and aluminum, 150 x 80 x 15 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “mondrian abstract skating”, Vinyl, wood, neon, ramp, melamine, Installation, 120 x 170 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “storytellers”, Magazine pages, acrylic, 39 x 31 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “storytellers” (detail), Magazine pages, acrylic, 39 x 31 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “The Economist (19 abril de 1968), (22 de marzo de 1968)”, 2013, Acrylic paint on canvas, 34 x 40 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled”, Collage, 100 x 70 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects