Artists: Mauricio Esquivel, Adam Winner, Esvin Alarcón Lam, Marilyn Boror, tepeu choc, Jorge Linares, Aníbal López A-1 53167, Antonio Pichillá, Gabriel Rodríguez, Diego Sagastume, Inés Verdugo.
The Thin Line
October 16, 2014
The 9.99 Gallery
Guatemala City, Guatemala
The exhibition will show the work of the artists Mauricio Esquivel (El Salvador), Adam Winner (USA), Esvin Alarcón Lam, Marilyn Boror, Tepeu Choc, Jorge Linares, Aníbal López (A-1 53167), Antonio Pichillá, Gabriel Rodríguez, Diego Sagastume, Inés Verdugo (Guatemala).
October 9, 2014 Jorge de León, Diana de Solares, Manuel Antonio Pichillá & Adán Vallecillo: 19 Bienal de Arte Paiz Andrea Aragón, Hellen Ascoli, Victoria Bahr, Marlov Barrios, Marilyn Boror, Edgar Calel, Johanna Calle, Mariana Castillo Deball, Marco Canale, Benvenuto Chavajay, Manuel Chavajay, René Dionisio Chavajay (Tz´utu B´aktun Kan), Jorge Chavarría, Lourdes de La Riva, Jorge de León, Yavheni de León, Diana de Solares, Yasmin Hage, Quique Lee, María Evelia Marmolejo, Silvia Menchú, Andrea Monroy Palacios, Reyes Josué Morales, Carlos Motta, Nora Pérez, Manuel Antonio Pichillá, Feliciano Pop, Angel Poyón, Fernando Poyón, Naufus Ramírez, Nuno Ramos, José Alejandro Restrepo, Gabriel Rodríguez, Chemi Rosado Seijó, Diego Sagastume, Mario Santizo, Julio Serrano, Rosario Sotelo, Adán Vallecillo, Inés Verdugo.
19 Bienal de Arte Paiz (entre lo ya no y el aún no / between a no longer and not yet)
Fundación Paiz para la Educación y la Cultura
June 6 – July 6, 2014
The 19 Bienal de Arte Paiz, in its 2014 edition, proposes a platform that relativizes notions of model, universality, genealogy and linearity, in favor of an art that reveals itself in transition, between “a no longer and not yet”. This, within a process of critical thinking and investigation of reality and art as it is manifested in contemporary Guatemala. The “transvisible” constitutes the possibility of mediating and investigating other realities beyond established canonical notions about art.
Self Knowledge – Healing
Specificities that name themselves
Masculinity and violence
Cecilia Fajardo-Hill
Anabella Acevedo
Rosina Cazali
Pablo Ramírez
Translated from Spanish
Everything is amorphous, confusing. I restlessly look for a bond that integrates with the environment as something inaccurate, not codified. I struggle to give form to these transitory states. B’atz is the name of a day in the Maya calendar that means the beginning and the end, to roll and unroll, to tie and untie. The knot is the bond between beings and their beginnings; it is the union that allows to continue on a certain path. The knot is the articulation between kinfolk and/or enemies which maintains a structure and at the same time creates tension between them. This bond between two or more systems also represents a closure, a forced enclosure that grasps through the ropes and that hinders that liberation of a determined gesture: the knot in the throat that submerges the voice. We are beginning a new era of Maya world view that is associated with important events. Departing from an interdisciplinary investigation, anthropological approximately ten years, in the city as in the rural areas, I began to work in the reengagement of images, forms, codes, moorings, baskets, chests, Quipos, candles, Maya ceremonies, with meanings charged of deep energetic presence that mark the passage of time. I believe in artistic expression as a product of the everyday. I situate myself within this perspective, materializing though ephemeral objects, like a candle that is lit, is consumed and finished. That action indicates time. I propose to reprise ritual elements like candles, bundles or baskets, incense, flowers, and of course, energy, to create art objects. I am interested in constructing, intervening, wither the visible through the occult; from the private to the public.
Todo es amorfo, confuso busco con inquietud un lazo que se integran al entorno como algo inexacto, no codificado, lucho por darle cuerpo a estados transitorios. B’atz es el nombre de un día del calendario maya, que significa el inicio y el final, enrollar y desenrollar, amarar y desamarrar. El nudo es el vínculo entre los seres y su principio; es la unión que permite continuar cierto trayecto. El nudo es la articulación entre los semejantes y/o entre los contrarios que mantiene una estructura y al mismo tiempo la tensa. Este lazo entre dos o más sistemas representa también un cierre, una fuerza de clausura que se empuña por los cabos y que impide la liberación de un gesto determinado: el nudo en la garganta sumerge la voz. Estamos empezando un nueva era en la cosmovisión maya que se asocia con eventos importantes. Partiendo de una investigación interdisciplinaria, aproximadamente 10 años en especial antropológica, tanto en la ciudad como en el área rural comencé a trabajar el reencuentro con imágenes, formas, códigos, amarres, tanates, bustos, quipos, candelas, ceremonias mayas, con significados cargados de profunda presencia energética que marcan el tiempo. Creo en la expresión artística como producto de lo cotidiano. Me ubico en esta perspectiva proponiéndome materializar a través de objetos efímeros, como una candela que se enciende, se consume y se termina. Así tal acción marca el tiempo. Me propongo retomar elementos rituales como candelas bultos o tanates, incienso, flores y por supuesto la energía, para crear objetos de arte. Me interesa construir, intervenir, marchitar a partir de lo oculto a lo visible de lo privado a lo público.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1999-2003: Egresado de la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Rafael Rodriguez Padilla ciudad de Guatemala. Miembro del grupo TEI talle estudio investigación con métodos y estudios e investigación interdisciplinaria alrededor del arte contemporáneo dirigido por Roberto Cabrera.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2012: Mención honorífica en la I bienal indígena intercontinental Mexico D.F., Mexico.
- 2010: Ganador de la II ayudas para la creación artística, centro cultural de España, Guatemala.
- 2005: Finalista de arte latinoamericano Juannio, Guatemala.
- 2003: mención honorifica Helvetas, cooperación Suiza en Guatemala.
- 2002: tercer lugar en el salón nacional de acuarela, ministerio de cultura y deporte.
- 2001: Segundo lugar en pintura, jóvenes+ humanitarios Guatemala.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2012: “B`ATZ`”, Galería Panza verde, Antigua, Guatemala.
- 2012: “P`ICH YA`”, Galería Kilometro Cero, Palacio Nacional de la Cultura Ciudad de Guatemala.
- 2010: “PODERES OCULTOS”, Centro Cultural de España, Guatemala.
- 2001: “MEMORIAS”, salón de exposiciones San Pedro La Laguna, Sololá.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Subasta de arte Latinoamericano Juannio”, SOMA centro cultural Guatemala.
- 2012: “Bienal Indígena Intercontinental”, Museo de arte popular México, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2012: “Simposio de escultura”, Antigua Guatemala
- 2012: “FIN DE CICLO”, Centro Cultural Hermanos Aguilar, San Salvador, El Salvador.
- 2011: “Subasta de arte Latinoamericano Juannio”, Museo de arte Moderno Guatemala.
- 2010: “XVII bienal de arte Paiz“, Guatemala.
- 2010: “Subasta de arte Latinoamericano Juannio”, Museo de arte Moderno Guatemala.
- 2009: “Subasta de arte latinoamericano Juannio. MORFO Arte joven emergente”, Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Guatemala.
- 2007: “OTRA MIRADA”, Centro Cultural Luis Cardoza y Aragon, Embajada de Mexico, Guatemala.
- 2007: “SHHH”, Centro Cultural de España, Guatemala.
- 2007: “Subasta de arte latinoamericano, Juannio”, Museo de Arte Moderno, Guatemala.
- 2004: “GUATERICA”, Museo del Niño, San José, Costa Rica.
- 2004: “Arte Mixto, Comunicarte”, Museo Santo Domingo, Antigua, Guatemala.
- 2004: “Agua color de vida”, Helvetas, Guatemala.
- 2002: XIII bienal de arte paiz, Guatemala.
- Catalogo de la I bienal continental de artes indígenas contemporáneas, Mexico 2012
- Catalogos de juannio 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006 y 2005, Guatemala.
- Catalogo de la XVII bienal de arte paiz, Guatemala.
- Lars Romer Coppenhague, Denmark.
- Dexter Lelain San Francisco, USA.
- Chris Eaton Antigua, Guatemala.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Nudo”, 2012, Wood and fabric, 48 x 63 in. (122 x 160 cm). Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Nudo”, 2011, Wood and textile, 39 x 28 in. (100 X 70 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Quipo”, 2004, Wood and textil, 39 x 19 x 1.5 in. (100 x 50 x 4 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Quetzalcoatl,” 2010, Fabric, 390 x 156 x 19 in. (1000 x 400 x 50 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Carlos Lilo.
- Antonio Pichillá, “La piedra del sol”, 2008, Fabric, 39 x 39 x 4 in. (100 x 100 x 10 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Glifo de kukulkan”, 2010, Stone and paraffin, 11 x 17 x 1.5 in (28 x 43 x 4 cm)., Guatemala, Credit: Rene de Carufel.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Glifo”, 2010, Wood and paraffin, 8 x 11 x 1.5 in. (21 x 28 x 4 cm), Guatemala, Credit: Rene de Carufel.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Lo oculto”, 2005, Wood and fabric, 25 x 25 x 9 in. (65 x 65 x 24 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “El viaje”, 2010, Wood and fabric, 39 x 39 x 10 in. (100 x 100 x 24 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Anudar y desanudar”, 2012, Oil on canvas, 61 x 71 in. (155 x 180 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Vida”, 2011, parafina, 12 x 8 x 4 in. (30 x 20 x 10 cm), Mexico, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Instalando energia”, 2012, Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 in. (60 x 45 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Instalando energia”, 2013, Oil on canvas, 73 x 43 in. (185 x 135 cm), Guatemala, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Quetzalcoatl”, 2010, DVD video: 56 sec, Guatemala, Credit: filming and editing: Francisco Quiacain.
- Antonio Pichillá, “Me consume”, 2010, DVD video: 2 min y 16 sec, Guatemala, Credit: filming: Juan Manuel Sepulveda, editing: Francisco Quiacain.
- Antonio Pichilla, “abuelo”, 2013, Stone and artisan fabric, 30 x 20 x 10 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichilla, “glifo”, 2011, Stone and parafifn wax, 10 x 30 x 30 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichilla, “quipo”, 2014, Oil on canvas and artisan fabric, 100 x 55 x 8 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichilla, “quipo”, 2014, Oil on canvas and artisan fabric, 120 x 80 x 10 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichilla, “energia”, 2013, Oil on canvas, 200 x 120 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio Pichilla, “b’atz’ enrollar y desenrollar”, 2010, Oil on canvas and thread, 114 x 30 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Antonio pichilla, “negro anudado”, 2014, Oil on canvas, wood and metal, 107 x 65 x 10 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.