- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “ocho nubes”, 2014, Series: Impermanente, Wet collodion process from a digital image, 25 x 20 x 30 cm. Photo credit: Nicola Noemi Coppola.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Mountain Geometrics, Digital photo, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Cálculo del peso de una montaña a partir de una pirámide hexagonal”, 2015, Series: Mountain Geometrics, Drawing, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Impermanente, Wet collodion process from a digital image, 15 x 12 x 2 cm. Photo credit: Nicola Noemi Coppola.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Analog photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Sales, MX, Digital photography, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
- Nicola Noemi Coppola, “Sin título”, 2014, Series: Quimiografía méxicana, Quimiografía: emulsified fiber paper with silver nitrate exposed to the contact of the salt of the landscape, Variable dimensions.
Translated from Spanish
The contact between two or more preexisting elements generates variations in the state of matter. This series of transformations can provide representations that unveil their synergetic state. The representation of invisible forces demands tools so that they may be seen, otherwise they would escape the senses and as a result be lost to understanding. This is the motor for a great part of the sciences: the necessity of representing the invisible to be able to “comprehend it.” Coming from a branch of the sciences, I try to represent the force of matter that continues to inscribe the history of its causes and effects. For me this is also an obsession with the infinitely small or the invisible, and it is therefore necessary to solidify the symbolic mark of society, and the voice of the environment that will never be silenced.
El contacto entre dos o más elementos pre-existentes genera variaciones del estado de la materia. Esta serie de transformaciones puede dar representaciones que develan su estado sinérgico. La representación de fuerzas invisibles precisan de utensilios para ser vistas, de lo contrario escaparían a los sentidos y así al entendimiento. Éste es el motor de gran parte de las ciencias: la necesidad de representación de lo invisible para así “comprenderlo”. Viniendo de una rama científica, intento representar la fuerza de la materia que sigue inscribiendo la historia de sus causas y efectos. Para mi también es una obsesión lo infinitamente pequeño o lo invisible, y resulta necesario así, dejar asentada la huella simbólica de la sociedad, y la voz del ambiente que nunca será callada.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2011-2014: Master, Escuela Nacional Superior de la Fotografía, Arles, France.
- 2008-2009: Diplomado en Fotografía, Ministerio de la Cultura de Venezuela y Centro Nacional de Fotografía (CENAF), Caracas, Venezuela.
- 1998-2005: Licenciatura en Biología Marina, Universidad de Oriente, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Programa de Residencias Artísticas para Creadores de Iberoamérica y de Haití en México, FONCA, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2013: Finalista en el concurso del Fotolibro Iberoamericano. Editorial RM, Mexico.
- 2013: Art Residency, Escuela Nacional de la Fotografìa (ENSP), Arles, France.
- 2011-2012: Beca del Instituto Nacional de la Salud e Investigación Médica, INSERM, Marseille, France.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2014: “Diario Quimiografías. Ciertas Topografías Mexicanas”, Centro Cultural de España en México, Mexico City, Mexico.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “Araya”, l’Atelier du Midi, Arles, France.
- 2013: “Latens”, Galeria NEGPOS, Nîmes, France.
- 2012: “La recherche de l’art”, Galerie Arena, Arles, France.
- 2012: “Work In Progress R.I.P.”, Iglesia Saint-Jullien, Arles, France.
- Geoffrey Batchen, “Emanations”, Book Emanations // Delmonico Books-Prestel, Abril 2016.
- Jérôme Michel, “Incertitude“, HBA, 2013, 27-35.
- “Latens”, Livre recherche photographique, 30 pages, 2013.
- “WIP” Exposiciòn Work in Progress”, Catalog, Encuentro Internacional del la Fotografìa de Arles-France, 2012.
- “La Recherche de l’Art”, Exposiciòn INSERM-ENSP, Catalog, Marseille, 2012.