Artist: Eduardo Stupia
Cenas de uma Viagem
November 9, 2015 – January 16, 2016
Baró Galeria
Sao Paulo, Brazil
A mostra conta com obras criadas em São Paulo, inspiradas no bairro da Barra Funda. As telas pintadas por Stupía, reconhecido por seus desenhos de formas arquitetônicas utópicas, revelam uma percepção do artista, mais do que sobre o deslocamento geográfico. Stupía acredita que toda mudança física e territorial implica em mudanças emocionais, é o que transparece nas obras que compõem a exposição.
“O bairro da Barra Funda impõe suas qualidades a um recém-chegado e um forte temperamento cênico. Nesse sentido, entendo a mostra como um verdadeiro diário de viagem, além de aventuras geográficas, mas sim impressões psíquicas, ressonâncias, metáforas e miragens. Às vezes, olhando para cada uma das telas, individualmente parecem representar aspectos mais narrativos”, comenta Stupía.
Segundo o artista, a inspiração aconteceu naturalmente quando esteve em visita ao galpão da Baró Galeria, ao entrar no grande espaço, observou que havia uma ressonância entre o alcance e geometrias, estruturas arquitetônicas e espaços ao ar livre em torno. “Tudo começou a ser processado e traduzido na forma de linguagem gráfica pura, ou seja, minhas impressões sobre a viagem produziram um fenômeno mais análogo do que mimético”, reforça.
As cores são a influência mais visível na estadia de Eduardo Stupía no bairro, na série há presença, vibração, temperamento e importância, segundo o artista, mais fortes do que em suas obras mais recentes. Suas pinturas narram mais uma vez o estado das coisas, antes mesmo das próprias coisas. Sons, percepções sobre o caos, mistura de características suburbanas com a turbulência do centro, estão em cada detalhe em suas obras.
November 20, 2015 Elena Damiani Elena Damiani, “Macelo 3”, 2012, Series: Macelos, Hand-carved travertine, glass, collage on found bookplate, 50 x 80 x 35 cm. Photo credit: Daniel Giannoni.
- Elena Damiani, “Journeying Loc.1 and Loc.2”, 2012, Series: Journeying, Collage, 37 x 70 x 3 cm. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Triangulation”, 2012, Series: While Wandering, Print on found bookplates, acid free tissue paper, 29.7 x 41 cm. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Down by the water”, 2012, Series: While Wandering, Print on found bookplates, acid free tissue paper, 29.7 x 41 cm. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Intersticio”, 2012, Video projection, (00:05:26), Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Mistake 5”, 2012, Series: The Exactness of Mistake, Collage on found book page, 25 x 24.5 cm. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Fading field N3. Installation view”, 2013, Series: Fading fields, Digital print on silk chiffon, wood structure, black urethane paint, Variable dimensions. Site-specific project. Location: 9th Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Photo credit: Bienal do Mercosul.
- Elena Damiani, “The Surface Reader”, 2013, Series: The Surface Reader, Collage. Watercolour on handmade Lokta Barbour grey paper, 154 x 118 cm. Photo credit: Joe Clark.
- Elena Damiani, “Testigos (45 rods)”, 2013, Series: The Surface Reader, Hand-carved and polished travertine, resin, ebony veneer, 3 x 145 x 70 cm. Photo credit: Joe Clark.
- Elena Damiani, “Excavating and Remembering”, 2013, Series: The Surface Reader, Hand-carved and polished travertine, cloth hand-bound books, collage on found maps and Kawanaka paper, 22 x 90 x 90 cm. Photo credit: Joe Clark.
- Elena Damiani, “Testigos”, 2014, Hand-carved and polished travertine, onyx, resin, stainless steel, 180 x 180 x 11 cm. Site-specific project. Location: Private Collection, Lima, Peru. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Brise-soleil 1”, 2014, Hand-carved and polished travertine, 110 x 136 x 15 cm. Photo credit: Daniel Giannoni.
- Elena Damiani, “Rude Rocks N1”, 2015, Series: Rude Rocks, Hand-carved and polished travertine, copper, stainless steel, 47 x 60 x 12 cm. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Rude Rocks N2 and N3. Installation view”, 2015, Series: Rude Rocks, Hand-carved and polished Breccia marble, copper, raw steel, 204 x 300 x 300 cm. Site-specific project. Location: 56 Venice Biennale, All the World’s Futures, Venice, Italy. Photo credit: Artist.
- Elena Damiani, “Rude Rocks N4 (Turrón after Bratke). Installation view “, 2015, Series: Rude Rocks, Hand-carved and polished Breccia marble, steel structure, copper, digital prints on tempered glass, black urethane paint, matte urethane lacquer, 211 x 180 x 38 cm. Site-specific project. Location: 56 Venice Biennale, All the World’s Futures, Venice, Italy. Photo credit: Alessandra Chemollo. Courtesy by la Biennale di Venezia.
My conceptual interests –understanding the present by looking into the past and recognizing the potential of images to resonate and prompt a universe of associations in the collective memory– guide my practice of transforming found material into collages, sculptures, and video installations. In my investigation I turn to scientific studies such as geology, archeology, and cartography to explore forms of fragmentation and material reinterpretation. My work seeks to redefine natural realms and their generative processes, presenting them as incomplete and ambiguous spaces where multiple times and topographies seem to unfold in unison.
Mi práctica es guiada por intereses críticos relacionados al entendimiento del presente a través de una mirada al pasado y a la capacidad evocativa de las imágenes para resonar y desencadenar un universo de asociaciones en la memoria colectiva; estos intereses transforman materiales encontrados en collages, esculturas y video instalaciones. En mi investigación recurro a temas como la geología, arqueología y cartografía para explorar formas de fragmentación y reinterpretación de material documentado y racionalizado por la ciencia que estudia la composición, evolución e historia de la Tierra. Mi obra busca reinterpretar estadíos naturales y sus procesos generativos presentándolos como espacios incompletos y ambiguos en donde se fusionan múltiples tiempos y topografías.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2008-2010: MA Fine Arts, Goldsmiths College, London, United Kingdom.
- 2000-2005: BA Fine Arts, Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Corriente Alterna, Lima, Peru.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Americas Society’s Commission for David Rockefeller Atrium, Americas Society, New York, USA.
- 2006: Special Mention , 12th International Arts and Digital Cultures Festival of Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
- 2006: Second Prize, 9th French-Peruvian Contest of Visual Arts “Pasaporte para un Artista”, Lima, Peru.
- 2004: Production Prize, 2nd Peruvian Contest of Video and Electronic Arts, Lima, Peru.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “All The Pieces Back Together”, Selma Feriani Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
- 2013: “La Chambre“, Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2012: “History Decomposes Into Images, Not Into Narratives”, Revolver Galeria, Lima, Peru.
- 2011: “Elena Damiani and Alois Godinat“, Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, Belgium.
- 2011: “The Second Treasury of Stanleth”, Selma Feriani Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
- 2011: “Vanishing Point Vantage Point”, Dohyang Lee Galerie, Paris, France.
- 2007: “Sites”, Galeria Vertice, Lima, Peru.
- 2005: “1st International Print Biennale – Prints and Motion “, Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Corriente Alterna, Lima, Peru.
- 2005: “Geo”, Sala Luis Miro Quesada Garland, Lima, Peru.
- 2003: “Moción animal”, Espacio La Culpable, Lima, Peru.
Group Exhibitions
- 2015: “THEOREM, You Simply Destroy the Image I Always Had of Myself“, Mana Contemporary, New Jersey, USA.
- 2015: “Vienna Biennale – Future Light: Escaping Transparency“, MAK Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria.
- 2015: “All the World’s Futures“, 56 Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition, Venice, Italy.
- 2014: “Idea of Fracture – Opinione Latina P.2“, Francesca Minini, Milan, Italy.
- 2014: “Spatial Acts: Americas Society Commissions Art“, Americas Society, New York, USA.
- 2014: “BIM Bienal de la Imagen y Movimiento“, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2013: “Project 35 Volume 2“, ICI Independent Curators International, touring exhibition.
- 2013: “Videoarte 01- Reopening the blackbox of technology“, MAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Lima, Peru.
- 2013: “9th Bienal do Mercosul“, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2013: “Ciclorama“, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Kadist Art Foundation, San Francisco, USA.
- Kamel Lazaar Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Caracas / New York, Venezuela / USA.
Over the past five years, I have developed a research work in sculpture and installation with industrial materials which denote, in the constitution and the way they are presented, my intention to hold encounters of different strengths and temperaments; of oppositions that support each other at their possible limits. In my visual speech that I seek to generate, I establish the dialogue through the laws of the world, metaphors that point to the “being’s” existence; where transformation and impermanence, from the subtlety of possible balance, translate into a place of experience and reflection.
Traducido del inglés
En los últimos cinco años he desarrollado un trabajo de investigación en la escultura e instalación con materiales industriales que denotan, en su constitución y la forma que son presentados, mi intención de contener encuentros de diferentes fuerzas y temperamentos; de oposiciones que se apoyan unas a las otras dentro de sus límites posibles. En mi discurso visual busco generar, estableciendo el diálogo por medio de las leyes del mundo, metáforas que apuntan a la existencia del ser, donde la transformación e impermanencia, desde lo sutil del posible balance, se traducen a un lugar de experiencia y reflexión.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2009: UFRGS, Visual Arts, specialization in sculpture.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Artist Residence, Izolyatsia, Ukraine.
- 2013: Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, XIII Salão Nacional de Artes de Itajaí, Brazil.
- 2013: Sala Taller III residency program, EAC – Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo.
- 2013: 9° Rede Nacional Funarte, project CEP: body, space and route, Brasil, Natal, Porto Alegre.
- 2011-2012: Energisa Prize for Visual Arts, Brazil, João Pessoa.
- 2011: Acquisition Prize, Art Salon of Mato Grosso do Sul 2011, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.
- 2011: FAAP residency program, Lutetia Building, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2010: Leonello Berti Acquisition Award 35º SARP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
- 2009: lV Açorianos Arts Awards, Sculpture 2009, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “From Territories”, Abysses and Intentions, Santader Cultural, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2013: “Ground”, Baró Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2013: “CEP: body, space and route”, IFRN Gallery, Natal, Brazil.
- 2012: “Recognition practices and some approximations”, Museum of sustainability – Victor Civita Square, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2012: “Transposition”, Augusto Meyer Gallery – Mario Quintana Culture House, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2011: “Diagonal”, MARP – Museum of Art of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto SP, Brazil.
- 2009: “Orthogonal Trajectories”, Goethe Institut, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2009: “Two Magnitudes”, Iberê Camargo Gallery Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Here we are from here we go”, Arróniz Gallery, Mexico DF, Mexico.
- 2012: “Salvajes Digesting Europe Piece by Piece”, Traneudstillingen Exhibition Space, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2012: “Drawing Instances”, Logo Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2012: “Drawing Instances”, School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil.
- 2011: “New Brazilian Sculpture”, Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- 2011: “72 Hours”, MAC – RS, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
- 2011: “Rastros de Aserrín”, Centro Cultural del Parque de España, Rosario, Argentina.
- 2011: “From the Studio to The White Cube”, MARGS Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2011: “Hollow Horizon: Latin-American artists at the edge”, Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2010: “Tripod Project Parallel 30”, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2013: De territórios, abismos e intenções, Imago art office.
- 2013: CEP: corpo, espaço e percurso, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2012: Transposição: 30°01’52.56’’S – 51°14’04.03’’O, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2011: Nova Escultura Brasileira, Gala Art Editions.
- 2010: Subterrânea, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2009: Entre Séculos, Brasília National Museum.
- Figueiredo Ferraz Institute, Ribeirão Preto SP, Brazil.
- MAC-RS, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Marco – Museum of Contemporary Art of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande , MS, Brazil.
- Brasília National Museum, Brasília, Brazil.
- Ribeirão Preto Arts Museum, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
- Aldo Locatelli Municipal Art Gallery, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Pregnanciadaforma
- Ground | From Matter to Mind by Flávio Gonçalves [PDF]
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide (200x50x0.6 cm), stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. EAC – Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo | Montevideo – Uruguay, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Territories”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, chairs, table, glass slide, concrete blocks and steel cable, 131 x 100 x 200 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Diego Santovito.
- Túlio Pinto, “Abysses”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, table, glass slide, granite cube and steel cable, 200 x 100 x 356 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Diego Santovito.
- Túlio Pinto, “Complicity # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, beam steel and blown glass, 160 x 37 x 60 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist and FelipeCensi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Consensus”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, shelf 30x20cm, glass slide 120x30x0,6 cm, granite cube 20x20x20, shelf 20x20cm and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: FelipeCensi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Land Line # 3”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, Corten steel cube and glass slide, 275 x 300 x 275 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Compensation # 3”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, 02 cubes of steel and glass slide, 210 x 110 x 230 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Meeting Situation”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, 6 m³ of sand and glass slide (160x160x0, 8cm), Variable dimensions. Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Confidents # 1”, 2012, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, 05 wood cubes (50 x 50 x 50 cm each) and fabric, Variable dimensions. Traneudstillingen Exhibition Space – Copenhagen, Denmark, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Lines, 2012”, Series: 1/1, Installation, balloons and helium, Variable dimensions. Oeregaads Parken – Hellerup, Denmark, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Diagonal, 2011”, Series: 1/3, Installation, concrete blocks (150 x 30 x 10 cm each) and fabric, 146 x 900 x 30 cm, Art Museum of Ribeirão Preto. SP – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Time – 31 day cycle”, 2010, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, concrete block (150 x 30 x1 0 cm) and balloon, 170 x 50 x 80cm, Art Museum of Piracicaba – SP – Braszil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist and Julio Garbellini.
- Túlio Pinto, “4.5 horizontal meters”, 2009, Series: 1/3, Installation, mirror (100 x 100 cm) and 15 wooden cubes (15x15x15 cm each), 100 x 100 x 225 cm, Art Museum of Ribeirão Preto. SP – Brazil, Photo credit: Maurício Froldi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Two Magnitudes”, 2009, Series: 1/1, Installation, fabric (300 x 300cm), steel plate (100 x 100 x 1.5 cm) and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Iberê Camargo Gallery – Gasômetro Usina – Porto Alegre – Brazil, Photo credit: Anderson Astor.
- Túlio Pinto, “Orthogonal Trajectories”, 2009, Series: 1/1, Installation, concrete blocks and wooden cubes, 500x25x425cm, Subterrânea Atelier – Porto Alegre – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
Translated from Spanish
Electricity is the foundation of my work. Thanks to it, sculptures and installations can be perceived, and at the same time understood in different levels of relationships with the space that surrounds them, with the encircling architecture, with their social context or with spectators that directly interact with the work in a physical and psychological way.
The work’s content is in part due to the experiences during the period of dictatorship in Chile (1973-1989). This was a period which exerted great violence, intimidation and misinformation on the citizens. This climate of social instability also made evident an alert in the face of the lack of connection between the real and the apparent.
In another level of relationships, the works have a dialogue with the history of design and modern art, subverting its formal purity with their social content. The works presented here use electricity as power source, with a broad meaning: the electrical lights that often celebrate or honor a situation, show here the other side of their luminosity, i.e., darkness and fear, as simultaneous homage to seduction and alienation.
La electricidad es la base fundamental de mi trabajo, gracias a ella las esculturas e instalaciones pueden ser percibidas y al mismo tiempo, comprendidas en distintos niveles de relaciones con el espacio que las rodea; con la arquitectura circundante, con su contexto social o con espectadores que interactúan directamente con el trabajo en forma física y psicológica.
El contenido de las obras, en parte se debe a experiencias vividas durante el periodo de dictadura en Chile (1973-1989). Periodo que ejerció gran violencia, intimidación y desinformación en la ciudadanía. Este clima de inestabilidad social también evidenció una alerta ante la evidente desconexión entre lo aparente y lo verdadero.
En otro nivel de relaciones, los trabajos mantienen un dialogo con la historia del diseño y del arte moderno, subvirtiendo su pureza formal con sus contenidos sociales.
Los trabajos aquí presentados, ocupan la electricidad como fuente de poder con un amplio significado: las luces eléctricas que muchas veces celebran o festejan una situación, aquí muestran el otro lado de su luminosidad, es decir, la oscuridad y el miedo. Como homenajes simultáneos a la seducción y a la alienación.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1991-1995: Licenciado en Artes Visuales, Mención Grabado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2009: Altazor, Premio Nacional a las Artes Visuales, Chile.
- 2007: Fondart, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cultural y las Artes, Santiago, Chile.
- 2006: Beca Fundación Joan Mitchell, New York, USA.
- 2005: -A.S.A.P, Kamp Kippy, Maine, USA.
- 2002: Residencia Gasworks, Programa de Intercambio Cultural Gasworks, Londres, UK.
- 2002: -Fondart, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cultural y las Artes, Santiago, Chile.
- 2001: Art OMI, Residencia Internacional de Artistas, New York, USA.
- 2001: Fondart, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cultural y las Artes, Santiago, Chile.
- 2001: Fondart, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cultural y las Artes, Santiago, Chile.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2014: “Past Imperfect”, Izolyatsia Foundation, Donetsk, Ukraine.
- 2014: “This Land is Your Land”, Madison Square Park, New York, USA.
- 2013: “Where is the Next War?”, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France.
- 2012: “Iván Navarro: Fluorescent light Sculptures”, Frost Art Museum, Miami, USA.
- 2012: “Nacht und Nebel”, Fondazione VOLUME!, Rome, Italy.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Light Show”, Hayward Gallery, London, UK.
- 2012: “Eleventh Havana Biennial”, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Havana, Cuba.
- 2012: “Neon–Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?”, La Maison Rouge, Paris, France.
- 2011: “Permanent Collection (Courtney Smith and Iván Navarro)”, ICA Boston, Boston, USA.
- 2010: “Cairo, International Biennale”, Cairo, Egypt.
- Lauson, Cliff. “Light Art: An Immaterial Material”, (exh cat), Edit. SouthBank Centre, Londres, Reino Unido, 2013
- Rosenberg, David. “Le Néon Dans L’art des Années 1940 à nos jours – Néon: Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue?”, (exh cat), Edit. Archibooks et La mansion rouge, Paris, Francia, 2012.
- Herzberg, Julia P. “Rethinking the Possible – Iván Navarro, Fluorescent Light Sculptures” (exh cat), Edit. The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum Universidad Internacional de Florida, Miami, USA, 2012.
- Saavedra, Ana María y Alarcón, Luis. “Galería Metropolitana 2004-2010…”, Pachamama, Iván Navarro + Hueso Records (exh cat), Edit. Galería Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile, 2011.
- Flores, Tatiana. “¡El espectador está iluminado!” (exh cat), Edit. Caja de Burgos, Burgos, España, 2010.
Additional Links
- Iván Navarro Frost Art Museum, Miami
- ¿Dónde es la próxima guerra?
- Iván Navarro y su faceta musical: “En Chile, la música es más interesante que el arte”
- Ivan Navarro – Nacht und Nebel
- L’intervista / Ivan Navarro
- Ivan Navarro, “Con Razón o sin ella (2)”, 2013, Serie: Where is the Next War?, Neon, wooden box, painting, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, 48 x 48 x 10 in. (121.9 x 121.9 x 25.4 cm), Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “Contra el bien general (71)”,2013, Serie: Where is the Next War?, Neon, wooden box, painting, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, 48 x 48 x 10 in. (121.9 x 121.9 x 25.4 cm), Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “Extraña Devoción (66)”, Serie: Where is the Next War?, Neon, wooden box, painting, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, 48 x 48 x 10 in. (121.9 x 121.9 x 25.4 cm), Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “Eleven Upside Down (Colaboración Courtney Smith y Iván Navarro)”, 2007, Wood, plywood, fluorescent, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, Cada componente: 24 x 16 x 16 in. (61 x 40.6 x 40.6 cm), Image courtesy of the artist
- Ivan Navarro, “Eleven Upside Down (Colaboración Courtney Smith y Iván Navarro)”, 2007, Wood, plywood, fluorescent, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, Cada componente: 24 x 16 x 16 in. (61 x 40.6 x 40.6 cm), Image courtesy of the artist
- Ivan Navarro, “Death Row, 2006-2009”, Neon, aluminum doors, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, 86 x 669 x 4 1/2 in. (218.4 x 1699.3 x 11.4 cm), Photo credit: Sebastiano Luciano
- Ivan Navarro, “Oido (Brick)”, 2012, Serie: Natch und Nebel, Neon, mirror, transparent mirror, bricks and electricity, 63 (diameter) x 31.5 in. (160 (diameter) x 80 cm), Fundación Volume!, Roma, Italia, Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “Natch und Nebel-Performance (Patricia Rivadeneira, Pedro Pulido y Iván Navarro)”, 2012, Serie: Natch und Nebel, Música – Performance, Neon, mirror, transparent mirror, bricks and electricity, Fundación Volume!, Roma, Italia, Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “The Armory Fence”, 2011, Neon, aluminum and electricity, Total 11 sections: 61 x 89 x 12 in. (154.9 x 226.1 x 30.5 cm), The Armory, NY, USA, Photo credit: David Cendros
- Ivan Navarro, “Reality Show (Black)”, 2010, LED, aluminum, wood, mirror, transparent mirrors and electricity, Photo credit: Thelma García
- Ivan Navarro, “The Great Lamp”, 1996, Light bulbs, electric cable, and electricity, 117.32 x 428.34 in. (298 x 1088 cm), Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile, Photo credit: Rodrigo Alvarez
- Ivan Navarro, “The Great Lamp”, 1996, Light bulbs, electric cable, and electricity, 117.32 x 428.34 in. (298 x 1088 cm), Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile, Photo credit: Rodrigo Alvarez
- Ivan Navarro, “The Hayward Fence”, 2013, Neon, aluminum structure and electricity, 86 x 118 x 7 in. (218.4 x 299.7 x 17.8 cm), Galería Hayward, Londres, Reino Unido, Photo credit: Marcus J Leith
- Ivan Navarro, “Untitled (Empire State)”, 2011, Serie: Heaven or Las Vegas, Neon, wood, paint, Plexiglas, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, 57 x 119 x 10 in. (144.8 x 302.3 x 25.4 cm), Photo credit: David Cendros
- Ivan Navarro, “Untitled (Twin Towers)”, 2011, Serie: Heaven or Las Vegas, Neon, wood, paint, Plexiglas, mirror, transparent mirror and electricity, Tower 1: 8 x 57 3/4 x 57 3/4 in. (20.3 x 146.7 x 146.7 cm) Tower 2: 8 x 57 3/4 x 57 3/4 in. (20.3 x 146.7 x 146.7 cm), Photo credit: Thelma García
My projects engage both poetically and politically within a discourse of multicultural exchange. How do people in different environments cope with economic and social exclusion? The physical and psychological correspondences between individuals and temporary precarious architecture are my primary preoccupations. My practice is increasingly focused on the architectural solutions to social situations. I am particularly interested in the Latin American Modernist Movement’s often un-acknowledged debt to vernacular world architecture. I have spent many years living and working in four capital cities – Caracas, my home city, London, Madrid and Sao Paulo – and my experiences of these extremely different economies have given me insights which deeply inform my practice. I engage directly, initially with photography, with specific locations, which are then combined and abstracted to various degrees to allow more universal human conditions to become evident.
Traducido del inglés
Mis proyectos se relacionan, de manera poética y política, dentro de un discurso de intercambio multicultural. ¿Cómo es que gente en diferentes ambientes sobrelleva la exclusión económica y social? Mis preocupaciones primordiales son los intercambios físicos y psicológicos entre individuos y la arquitectura temporal precaria. Mi práctica se enfoca cada vez más en las soluciones arquitectónicas de situaciones sociales. Estoy particularmente interesado en la a menudo no reconocida deuda del movimiento modernista latinoamericano a la arquitectura mundial vernácula. He pasado muchos años viviendo y trabajando en cuatro ciudades capitales: Caracas, mi ciudad de origen, Londres, Madrid y Sao Paulo, y mis experiencias con estas economías extremadamente distintas me han otorgado conocimientos que informan profundamente mi práctica. Me involucro directamente, inicialmente con la fotografía, con lugares específicos, que son después combinados y abstraídos a diferentes niveles para permitir que condiciones humanas universales se hagan evidentes.
Selected Biographical Information
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “Una Forma De Desorden Invasivo”, Galería Lucia de la Puente, Lima.
- 2013: “Intrusiones”, Galería Tajamar, Santiago de Chile.
- 2012: “Prototipo Vernacular”, Galería Oficina nº1, Caracas.
- 2012: “Modelo de Observação”, Espaço Cultural Instituto Cervantes, Sao Paulo.
- 2011: “Solo Project”, Curated by Pablo Leon De La Barra, Pinta Art Fair, London.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Visao Do Paraiso: Pensamento Selvagem. ArtRio”, Curated by Julieta Gonzales-Pablo Leon de la Barra, Rio de Janeiro.
- 2013: “Tomar Medidas”, Espacio OTR, Madrid.
- 2012: “Optimismo Radical”, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York.
- 2012: “Lejos De Casa”, masART Galería, Curated by Virginia Torrente, Barcelona.
- 2011: “Album: fotografía contemporânea”, Baró Galería, Sao Paulo.
- Artealdia International, Ricardo Alcaide: The Space Between Two Worlds, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, February 2012.
- HotShoe International, Ricardo Alcaide: The Necessities Of Verticality, Becky Beasley, London, October 2008.
- HotShoe International, Ricardo Alcaide: The Skin That Walks, Becky Beasley, London, February 2007.
- Zabludowicz Collection, Londron.
- Colección Fundación Cisneros, Caracas.
- Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo.
- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Sofía Imber, Caracas.
- GAN, Galeria de Arte Nacional, Caracas.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled with elements (nº5)”, 2013, Series: Intrusions, Mixed media, 21.5x28cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled with elements (nº1)”, 2013, Series: Intrusions, Mixed media, 21.5x28cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled with elements (nº2)”, 2013, Series: Intrusions, Mixed media, 21.5x28cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Intrusion nº1”, 2013, Series: Intrusions, Acrylic paint on Inkjet print-cotton paper, 120x80cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Intrusion nº5”, 2013, Series: Intrusions, Acrylic paint on Inkjet print-cotton paper, 21.5×28.5cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled”, 2012, Series: Observation Model, Mixed media, 26x33cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Plastic Model”, 2012, Series: Observation Model, Mixed media, 21.5×28.5cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Prototype nº5”, 2012, Series: Vernacular Prototype, Acrylic paint on Inkjet print-cotton paper, 21.5×28.5cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Observation Model nº1”, 2012, Series: Vernacular Prototype, C-Type print, 30x30cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled (Installation)”, 2013, Mixed media, 300x300x240cm. Site specific project, Espacio de Arte OTR, Madrid. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Hide nº75”, 2013, Series: Hide, Acrylic on canvas, 19x24cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled”, 2011, Cardboard and mdf, 25x43x18cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled nº42”, 2011, Series: Hide, Acrylic on mdf, 60x43cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Untitled nº9”, 2009, Series: Hide, Acrylic on canvas, 35x27cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Ricardo Alcaide, “Hide nº15”, 2009, Series: Hide, Acrylic on canvas, 24x33cm. Image courtesy of the artist.