Abstraction in Action Leyla Cárdenas, Danilo Dueñas, Maria Fernanda Plata, Luis Roldán: Pensamiento escultórico https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/leyla-cardenas-danilo-duenas-maria-fernanda-plata-luis-roldan-pensamiento-escultorico/

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Artists: Feliza Bursztyn, Leyla Cárdenas, Johanna Calle, Danilo Dueñas, César González, Rosario López, Maria Fernanda Plata, Alex Rodríguez, Luis Roldán, Rosemberg Sandoval, Bernardo Salcedo e Icaro Zorbar.

Pensamiento escultórico
July 22, 2016 – August 27, 2016
Casas Riegner
Bogotá, Colombia

Nowadays, the term sculpture holds certain ambiguity. Throughout the twentieth century, the artistic category of sculpture remained fragile partly due to the fact that most of the significant accounts of modernist art were articulated in relation to painting. In addition, during the late 1960’s the term sculpture was stretched and made malleable so as to cover highly heterogeneous forms, thus moving away from the so called medium specificity that used to define it. Feeling the need to bring order to the field in which contemporary sculpture operated and attempting to  fight the so-called pluralism that characterized much of the art that was being  produced after 1968, Rosalind Krauss published her seminal essay “Sculpture in the Expanded Field” (1978).

Besides taking inspiration from the precepts and intentions laid out by Krauss in her famous essay, the exhibition Pensamiento Escultórico  is put forward as a space for reflecting about sculpture.  By questioning the extent to which sculpture has changed as a result of this transformation from object like to installation-oriented work, the exhibition seeks, among other things, to highlight the body’s experience in relation to the three-dimensional work. The absence of some of the traditional ways of producing sculpture such as carving, casting and modelling, the occasional elimination or renewal of the pedestal, the use of highly charged materials and the act of undoing the substance from which the work is made of, are all strategies that while going beyond the limits of traditional artistic canons, point to a constant rethinking of  the artists’ sculptural perspectives.

September 2, 2016 Bernardo Ortiz https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/bernardo-ortiz/
Translated from Spanish

Statement 5 of 12 (“Formalist”)

“My work aims to point out a fissure (or a void, or a distance) between the support—a page, a sheet of paper, a wall—and its content—a mark, two words, several stains, a color. From this viewpoint, the work seems like a snake that bites its own tail. If content affects the support, the latter returns to affect the content. As a general rule, the interventions on the support are always minimal—hard pencils that leave very delicate and almost invisible lines, very light papers, very thin layers of paint. In this sense, the “page” determines what can happen in it. It can be for example the contrast between the transparency of the paper and the opacity of gouache, the weight of oil or the density of enamel. At other times these can be slight differences between two identical drawings. For example, a drawing that says “He found happiness” next to one that says “He found A happiness.” The way in which some formal strategies can be used to say things. In this sense, they are literary drawings about paintings. Reproductions within pages.”


Statement No. 5 de 12 (“Formalista”)

“Mi trabajo busca señalar una grieta (o un vacío, o una distancia) entre un soporte –una página, una hoja de papel, una pared– y su contenido –un rayón, dos palabras, varias manchas, un color. Visto así, el trabajo parece una serpiente que se muerde la cola. Porque si el contenido afecta al soporte, este se devuelve afectando el contenido. Como regla general, las intervenciones sobre el soporte son casi siempre mínimas –Lápices muy duros que dejan líneas muy delgadas y casi invisibles, papeles muy livianos, capas muy delgadas de pintura. En ese sentido la “página” determina lo que pueda pasar en ella. Puede ser, por ejemplo, el contraste entre la transparencia del papel y la opacidad del gouache, el peso del óleo o la densidad del esmalte. Otras veces pueden ser pequeñas diferencias entre dos dibujos iguales. Por ejemplo: un dibujo que dice “He found happiness” (él encontró la felicidad) al lado de otro que dice “He found A happiness” (él encontró UNA felicidad). La manera en que ciertas estrategias formales pueden ser aprovechadas para decir cosas. En ese sentido son dibujos literarios acerca de pinturas. Reproducciones en páginas”.

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February 25, 2014 Gabriel Sierra https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/gabriel-sierra/

I studied Architecture and Industrial Design. My artistic practice reflects in a highly distinctive way my training in these two dissimilar yet interconnected fields. My works include objects, sculptures, writings, spatial constructions and site-specific interventions, using a vocabulary that points directly to the history of art and architecture.

Traducido del inglés

Estudié arquitectura y diseño industrial. Mi práctica artística refleja de manera significativa mi educación en estos dos campos tan diferentes pero tan interrelacionados. Mis obras incluyen objetos, esculturas, escritos, construcciones espaciales e intervenciones de sitio específico, usando un vocabulario que apunta de manera directa a la historia del arte y la arquitectura.

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October 8, 2013 Luis Roldán https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/luis-roldan/

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October 8, 2013 Tony Cruz Pabón https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/tony-cruz/

Translated from Spanish

Time, the everyday and repetitive actions like filling up, empty out, or repair, are recurring ideas in my work. To me, representing through drawing the distance between my home and the house of my relatives, or the calculation of the times that I take my hand to my mouth when I am smoking—both drawn on pencil over the wall—more than an act of measurement, they are to me a way of shaping everyday experience.

For example, the exercise of walking around the city of San Juan to document a series of constructions, made by the inhabitants of the city with everyday objects, made with the purpose of reserving a parking space. This document resulted in a publication that gathers this form and to which I add a series of drawings that propose the use of these same objects for other purposes or possible sculptures.

Generally, my work ends up becoming drawing, where I utilize a few material and visual resources. I am interested in materials that are easy to obtain, such as Plastiscine for children—which I have used to “repair” cracks on a deteriorated building—or powdered construction pigment, which registers the movement of a ball in a baseball field during a game.

In my most recent projects, I have investigated the visual production that generated from Puerto Rican popular music (Salsa, Bomba, and Plena), during the 60s, 70s and beginning of the 80s. The LP as an object, the graphic design, the typography and the images that are produced through the lyrics, give me the opportunity to make an analysis of the construction of landscape in that specific moment.


El  tiempo, lo cotidiano, y las acciones repetitivas, como rellenar, vaciar o reparar son ideas recurrentes en mi trabajo. Representar en dibujo la distancia entre mi residencia y la casa de mis familiares, o bien el cálculo de la cantidad de veces que me llevo la mano a la boca al fumar un cigarrillo (ambos dibujados en lápiz sobre la pared), más que un acto de mensura, son para mi una manera de dar forma a la experiencia cotidiana.

Como es el ejercicio de caminar por la ciudad de San Juan con el fin de documentar una serie de construcciones, hechas por los habitantes de la cuidad con objetos cotidianos, hecho con el propósito de reservar un estacionamiento. Este documento resultó en una publicación que recoge esta forma y en la cual añado una serie de dibujos que proponen el uso de éstos mismos objetos para otras funciones o posibles esculturas.

Generalmente mis trabajos terminan siendo dibujos, donde utilizar pocos recursos materiales y visuales. Me interesan los materiales que me son de fácil acceso, como la plastilina para niños, -que he utilizado para “reparar” grietas en un edificio deteriorado-, o el pigmento de construcción en polvo, con el que queda registrado el movimiento de una bola en un campo de baseball durante un partido.

En mis últimos proyectos me encuentro investigando la producción visual que se generó en la música popular puertorriqueña (salsa, bomba y plena) durante las décadas de los años 60, 70 y principios de los años ochenta. El LP como objeto, el diseño gráfico, la tipografía y las imágenes que se producen en las letras de las canciones, me dan pie a hacer un estudio de la construcción del paisaje en ese momento.

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October 5, 2013