My work revolves around issues of gender, the body, and a lifelong interest in nature. This combination also draws from my various studies in Visual Communication, Conservation Biology and Fine Arts. In recent years I have been developing a visual approach that uses photography, performance, installation, sculpture and video. Through these processes I tackle issues that concerned the Surrealists and the body art of the seventies, while maintaining a contemporary approach through my research-based practice. I seek stories that often come from literary and artistic references in significant periods both in Europe and South America. Ultimately I mix a wide range of aesthetics, cultures and historical figures in my work.
Traducido del inglés
Mi trabajo gira en torno a las cuestiones de género, el cuerpo, y un interés de por vida hacia la naturaleza. Esta combinación se basa también en mis diversos estudios en Comunicación Visual, Biología de la Conservación y Bellas Artes. En los últimos años, he desarrollado un enfoque visual a través de la fotografía, performance, instalación, escultura y video. A través de estos procesos, abordo cuestiones que preocupaban a los Surrealistas y al arte del cuerpo en los años setenta, manteniendo un enfoque contemporáneo a través de mi práctica basada en la investigación. Busco historias que a menudo provienen de referencias literarias y artísticas en períodos significativos tanto en Europa y América del Sur. En última instancia, mezclo en mi trabajo una amplia gama de la estética, las culturas y figuras históricas.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2008-2009: Masters in Fine Arts, Chelsea College of Arts and Design, London, United Kigndom.
- 2001-2002: Certificate in Conservation Biology, CERC Columbia University, New York, USA.
- 1993-1998: BA in Visual Communications, Universidad Católica Andres Bello, Caracas, Venezuela.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Hotshoe Photofusion Award 2014, Photofusion, London, United Kingdom.
- 2013: Special Mention Region 0 Video Art Festival, KJCC-NYU, New York, USA.
- 2013: Emerging Artist Award , AICA-Venezuela Association of International Art Critics, Venezuelan chapter, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2013: XII Premio Eugenio Mendoza, Fundación Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2006: Second Prize IX Salon CANTV de Jóvenes Artistas FIA , Feria Iberoamericana de Arte (FIA), Caracas, Venezuela.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2015: “A Garden for Beatrix“, Cecilia Brunson Projects, London, United Kingdom.
- 2014: “The Worshipper of the Image“, Beers Contemporary, London, United Kingdom.
- 2014: “El Adorador de la Imagen”, Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2013: “Mariposario“, Oficina#1, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2011: “Orchis”, Galería Fernando Zubillaga, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2009: “Vessel”, Galería Fernando Zubillaga, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2007: “Absent Portraits”, HACS (Miami) & La Carnicería (Caracas), Miami & Caracas, USA & Venezuela.
- 2003: “Vestigios”, Sala Mendoza. La Librería, Caracas, Venezuela.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “Solo Project with Oficina#1”, Pinta London curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli & Catherine Petitgas, London, United Kingdom.
- 2013: “Region 0 Video Art Festival“, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo (MACRO), Vigo, Spain.
- 2013: “Solo Project curated by Octavio Zaya”, Pinta Video at Pinta NY, New York, USA.
- 2013: “Region 0“, The Latino Video Art Festival of NY, King Juan Carlos I Center at NYU, New York, USA.
- 2013: “Masquerade – Be Another”, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
- 2013: “XII Premio Eugenio Mendoza”, Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2012: “Deseo y transgresión curated by Jesus Torrivilla”, Periferico Caracas. II Taller de curaduría – Centro de Arte Los Galpones, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2011: “Friendship of the people”, Simon Oldfield Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
- 2011: “The Winter Show”, Maddox Arts, London, United Kingdom.
- 2010: “Guest Artist”, Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ULA, Merida, Venezuela.
- 2010: “Curated Series of Moving Images”, Art Reach, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
, GBG Arts, Caracas, Venezuela. - 2009: “Beyond Appearances”, Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY, USA.
- 2008: “MOLAA Collects Photo-Based Art”, Museum of Latin American Art MOLAA, Long Beach, USA.
- 2008: “Lasts days of summer”, Alejandra Von Hartz Gallery, Miami, USA.
- 2008: “64th Salon Arturo Michelena”, Arturo Michelena Museum, Valencia, Venezuela.
- 2007: “Tipos Moviles-Bogota”, Universidad de los Andes, Project Space, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2007: “YO, Contemporary Self-portraits”, Solar Gallery, East Hampton, NY, USA.
- 2006: “Queens Bienalle. Queens International 06: Everything all at once”, Queens Museum, Queens, NY, USA.
- 2006: “Identidades”, Galería El Museo, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2006: “I Bienal del Agua “, Museo Jacobo Borges, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2005: “Traveling Tales curated by Camila Marambio”, Aratori Warairapa Art Museum, Masterton, New Zeland.
- 2003: “L Factor”, Exit Art, New York, USA.
- Felix Suazo, Panorámica: Arte Emergente en Venezuela 2000-2012 (Caracas: Fundación Telefónica).
- Nicola Homer, “Lucía Pizzani: Interview“, Studio International, 24/07/2014.
- Apóstol, Alexander y González, Lorena, “El arte venezolano en las instituciones de fin de siglo“, El País, 14 Marzo 2013.
- Miranda Gavin, “Lucía Pizzani: A Garden for Beatrix“, Hotshoe Magazine Blog, 02/06/2015.
- Vasi Hirdo, “Corporeal Metamorphoses“, Ceramics Now, , 56, 57.
- Celeste Olalquiaga, “Lucía Pizzani: la adoradora de mariposas“, Artishock, 17/03/2014.
- Gabriela Salgado, “Lucía Pizzani: Beers Contemporary“, ArtNexus, 101.
- Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC), Caracas – NY, Venezuela – USA.
- Essex Collection for Art from Latin America (ESCALA), Essex, United Kingdom.
- Colección Juan Yarur, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Museum of Latin American Art MOLAA, Long Beach, USA.
- Colección Banco Mercantil, Caracas, Venezuela.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2003-2004: MA Fine Arts, Byam Shaw School of Art, Central Saint Martins, London, UK.
- 2001-2002: Post-Graduate Course Fine Arts, Byam Shaw School of Art, Central Saint Martins, London, UK.
- 1997-2001: BA Fine Arts, Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine.
- 2014: Honorific Mention Bienal de Cuenca, Bienal de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2015: “Arquitectura del humo”, 80m2 Livia Benavides, Lima, Peru.
- 2014: “Los Suelos”, MATE, Lima, Peru.
- 2013: “Los Suelos”, Galeria Casado Santapau, Madrid, Spain.
- 2012: “VAMOS”, MIMA, Middlesbrough, UK.
- 2012: “Paisaje Antrópico”, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK.
- 2011: “El Porvenir”, Mimmo Scognamiglio Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy.
- 2010: “The Followers”, Civic Room, London, UK.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “Future Generation Art Prize”, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine.
- 2014: “Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento”, BIM, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2014: “Bienal de Cartagena de Indias“, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
- 2014: “The 2nd CAFAM Biennale”, The Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum – CAFAM, Beijing, China.
- 2014: “Ir para Volver”, Bienal de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador.
- 2013: “ICASTICA “, International Biennale of Arrezzo, Arezzo, Italy.
- 2013: “Paraíso en Blanco”, 80m2 Livia Benavides, Lima, Peru.
- 2013: “LARA (Latin American Roaming Art)”, NC ARTE, Bogota, Colombia.
- 2012: “Remesas: flujos simbólicos/ movilidades de capital”, Fundación Telefónica, Lima, Peru.
- 2011: “Newspeak: British Art Now”, The Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
- 2010: “Identity Theft”, Mimmo Scognamiglio Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy.
- 2010: “Newspeak: British Art Now”, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK.
- MALI Museo de Arte de Lima, Lima, Peru.
- PAAM Perez Art Museum, Miami, USA.
- MIMA Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Middlesbrough, UK.
- Kadist Foundation, San Francisco , USA.
- MATE Museo Mario Testino, Lima, Peru.