My work encompasses site-specific installations, sculpture and video to works on paper. In these works, issues of urbanization, transformation, regeneration, escape, collapse and nomadic existence have been predominant. While the work in the drawing studio serves as a means for a more intimate exploration of these issues, the foundation of my larger scale work lies in the alteration of found and recycled materials and environmental debris, often on site (including such source materials as books and printed matter, empty tins, old tires, bicycles, boat parts and building construction fragments) that are often altered to create sculptural objects and architectural spaces. These works take the visual form of functional objects while stripping them of their productivity to address notions of labor and utility, forcing an examination of our understanding of culturally specific forms while simultaneously exploiting and adapting their particular codes and associations.
Traducido del inglés
Mi obra abarca instalaciones de sitio específico, escultura y video hasta obra en papel. En estas obras, temas de urbanización, transformación, regeneración, escape, derrumbe y existencia nómada han sido predominantes. Mientras que el trabajo en el estudio de dibujo sirve como una forma más íntima de exploración de estas ideas, la base de mi obra a gran escala está en la alteración de materiales encontrados y reciclados y desechos ambientales, a menudo in situ (incluyendo fuentes como libros y material impreso, latas vacías, llantas viejas, bicicletas, partes de barco y fragmentos de construcción), que son a menudo modificados para crear objetos esculturales y espacios arquitectónicos. Estas obras toman la forma visual de objetos funcionales mientras que los despojan de su productividad para abordar nociones de labor y utilidad, forzando un análisis de nuestro entendimiento de formas culturalmente específicas, mientras que explotamos y adaptamos sus códigos y asociaciones particulares.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2000: Bard College, BA.
- Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2012: MACRO RESIDENCY, Rome.
- 2011: New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA).
- 2010: ART OMI Residency, OMI, New York, USA.
- 2009-10: Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation ‘space program’, New York, USA.
- 2008: ART MATTERS foundation, New York, USA.
- 2009: Residencia La Curtiduria, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- 2008: Residencia Kiosko, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
- 2008: Sculpture Space, Utica, NY, USA.
- 2007: Mención Honorífica, IX Bienal De Cuenca, Ecuador.
- 2007: Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine, USA.
- 2005-6: Foundation for Contemporary Arts, New York, USA.
- 2003: Vermont Studio Art Center, Vermont Beca.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “Cuts, Burns, Punctures”, Drawing Center, New York, USA.
- 2013: “Quoin”, Eleven Gallery, New York, USA.
- 2012: “Parquette”, MACRO (museum of contemporary art Rome), Italy.
- 2010: “Aún Sin Titulo I”, Galería Revolver, Lima, Perú.
- 2010: “Aún Sin Titulo II”, Espacio Ex-Culpable, Lima, Perú.
- 2010: “Maquette For Landscape”, Galería Federica Schiavo, Roma, Italy.
- 2010: “Un Muro de Tochos”, Galería Arróniz Contemporáneo, Mexico, DF, Mexico.
- 2009: “Ishmael Randall Weeks”, Galería Eleven Rivington, New York, USA.
- 2008: “Refugio”, Galería Lucia De La Puente, Lima, Perú.
- 2008: “Experimentos, Camuflajes y Bunkers”, Galería Kiosko, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Migrating Identities”, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, California (Curator: Betti-Sue Hertz).
- 2013: “Panorámica”, Museo Palacio de Bellas Artes, México DF, Mexico.
- 2013: “Arte Al Paso. Colección Contemporánea del Museo de Arte de Lima”, Museo Banco de la Republica, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2012: “The Camino Real Arcades”, AMIL space, Lima (Curator: Pablo Leon de la Barra).
- 2012:“The Peripatetic School: Itinerant drawing from Latin America”, Banco De la Republica, Bogotá, Colombia. (Curator: Tanya Barson).
- 2012: “S-Files Bienal”, Museo del Barrio, New York, USA. (Curators: Elvis Fuentes, Trinidad Carillo).
- 2010: “Greater New York”, MOMAPS1, New York, USA. (Curators: Klaus Biesenbach, Connie Butler, Neville Wakefield).
- 2010: “Planet of Slums”, Third Screening, NYC (Curadores: Omar Lopez-Chahoud & LaToya Ruby Frazier).
- 2010: “El Comienzo del Fin”, Patricia Ready Galeria, Santiago, Chile (Curator: Revolver Galeria).
- 2010: “Lush Life”, Collete Blanchard Gallery, NYC (Curators: Omar Lopez-Chahoudy Franklyn Evans).
- 2010: “Does the Angle Between Two walls have a happy Ending?”, Galeria Federica Schiavo, Rome, Italy (Curator: Ishmael Randall Weeks).
- Tanya Barson, Isobel Whitelegg, Pablo Leon de la Barra & Moacir Dos Anjos, “The Peripatetic School: Itinerant Drawing from Latin America”, Ridinghouse, 2011.
- Sigismond de Vajay & André Baldinger, “Of Bridges and Borders”, JRP-Ringier.
- Toit Du Monde & KBB, EBS, Editoriale Bortolazzi Stei srl, Pg 253-67.
- Cynthia Hahn, Amy Levin “Objects of Devotion and Desire” Hunter College Press, Pg 16, 66-67, 2011.
- Christopher Von Ginhoven, “A Vailed Intimacy”, Catalogue for “Bruma” at 20 Hoxton square Gallery, London. 20 Hoston Square and Revolver Gallery, 2011.
- Klaus Biesenbach, Connie Butler, Neville Wakefield, “Greater New York 2010”, MoMa PS1, pg. 112-13 & 162-63, 2010.
- David McFadden, “Slash: Paper Under the Knife”, Museum of Arts and Design & 5 Continents Editions, pg. 184-87, 2009.
- Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni, Laura Hoptman, “Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory” The New Museum and Phaidon Press, pg. 507, 2009.
- X Bienal de la Habana, “Integración y Resistencia en la era Global”, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wilfredo Lam, La Havana, Cuba, pg. 454-55, 2009.
- Armando Williams, “Visiones del Arte Contemporaneo en el Perú” Galeria Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Perú, 2008.
- Miguel Zegarra-Jorge Villacorta, “La Construcción del Lugar Común” Museo De Arte Contemporaneo, Lima, Perú, 2008.
- IX Bienal de Cuenca, “Espacios, Tiempos Identitarios” Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador, pg. 64-67 2007.
- Rodrigo Quijano, ‘Llámenme Ishmael: Notas sobre Balances y Tensiones en la Obra de Randall Weeks’, Catalogue for Estructuras, Simulacros, ICPNA, Lima, Perú, 2006.
- Jorge Villacorta, Augusto Del Valle, Miguel López, Sharon Lerner, Paulo Dam, Luis Alvarado, “Post-Illusiones. Nuevas Visiones, Arte Critico en Lima (1980-2006)” Fundación Wiese, pg. 113, 2006.
- Lima Art Museum (MALI).
- JUMEX Collection.
- Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA).
- Museo d’Arte Contemporaneo, Roma (MACRO).
- Madeira Corporate Services Collection, Portugal (curator Adriano Pedrosa).
- Albright-Knox Gallery.
- Deutsche Bank Collection (Liz Christensen, curator).
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Mapping”, 2012, Parquet from all around the world, glue and iron, 130 x 310 x 120 cm. Photo credit: Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “IBeam”, 2013, Brick dust, debris and resin, 180 x 25 x 25 cm. Photo credit: Camila Rodrigo.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “12 Dias”, 2013, 12 days of newspapers from Lima, Cola, 210 x 10 x 5 cm. Photo credit: Camila Rodrigo.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Wall”, 2012, Bricks, cement and iron, 185 x 100 x 58 cm. Photo credit: Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Trepanacion”, 2013, Rubber from a tree and bronze, 80 x 50 x 50 cm. Photo credit: Camila Rodrigo.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Quoin”, 2013, Cut photo transfers, polished newspaper and wood table, Variable dimensions.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Trinita’DeiMonti”, 2012, Photo transfers on cardboard and cut aluminum, Variable dimensions, Photo credit: Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Mercado”, 2008, Mirrors and wood, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Frame 1”, 2012, Glass and frames from the 50s, 50 x 42 x 3 0cm. Photo credit: Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “EUR”, 2012, Photo collage, 140 x 31 x 8 cm. Photo credit: Photo Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Landscape Intersection”, 2010, Carved books, wood and iron, 180 x 300 x 300 cm. Photo credit: Giorgio Benni.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Landscape Carving”, 2008, Carved architectural plans, 120 x 90 x 140 cm. Photo credit: John Taylor.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Lucio Costa”, 2007, Collage, 35 x 35 cm.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Le Corbusier 2”, 2007, Collage, 45 x 35 cm.
- Ishmael Randall Weeks, “Netting”, 2007, Camara de Llanta tallada, Variable dimensions.