Artist: Jorge Pedro Núñez
Entre Machine et moi Machin
September 12 – October 26, 2014
Galerie Crèvecoeur
Paris, France
The artist presents an abstract landscape, between sculpture and in-situ installation, composed by geometric figures human-scale based, featuring machine and motor. Symbols of the modern era defined by “the cult of the rapid combustion”, according to Peter Sloterdijk, motor and machine are still characteristic of the contemporary economy, even though the digital world, both in a real and fantasy process, is overwhelming. He uses standards materials of our developed environment like metal, glass, plaster and oil, combines heterogeneous logicals and creates an itinerary dividing, in an invisible way, the space. By creating a situation which tends to modify our gathering and our wandering, the artist follows his reflexions about the reception of the art forms, the display of existing objects and history of surfaces and materials. The theme of the machine, and its anthropomorphic projections, is in the title of the show, ironically reminded by the artist, quoting Serge Gainsbourg, author of Machins Choses, a 1965 song.
September 29, 2014 Jorge Pedro Núñez from Spanish
I am interested in combining and juxtaposing different historical referents that derive from diverse places and times, and which coexist in an object.
My work is related to drawing, sculpture, and painting rom their more basic properties, such as material and form, but the materials I use are mostly objects from other activities. I use recognizable icons stemming from modern art history, in the creation of a work that goes through deconstruction and the relationship of objects and ideas that question the link between abstraction, history, and contemporaneity.
Estoy interesado en mezclar y superponer diferentes referentes históricos que provienen de lugares y épocas distintas que cohabitan en un objeto.
Mi trabajo es relativo al dibujo, la escultura y la pintura desde sus propiedades más elementales como el material y la forma, pero los materiales que utilizo son en gran parte objetos de otras actividades. Utilizo iconos reconocibles provenientes de la historia del arte moderno para la concepción de una obra que pasa por la deconstrucción y la puesta en relación de objetos e ideas que cuestionan la relación entre abstracción, historia y contemporaneidad.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2001-2006: DNSEP (Diplome national superieur d’expression plastique option art), Ecole Nationale Superieure d’arts de Paris, Cergy, Paris, France.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2009-2010: Le Pavillon (residence), Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
- 2010: CIFO Grants, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami , USA.
- 2013: FAAP (residence), Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado , Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2006: “Side B quasi quieto”, Galerie La Vitrine, Paris, France.
- 2008: “Over and Over”, Galerie Crevecoeur, Paris, France .
- 2010: “The Truth of the Trou”, Galerie Crevecoeur, Paris, France.
- 2011: “Inevitable y Obvio”, Periferico Caracas (art center), Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2012: “Imagenes Souvenirs”, Galeria Ignacio Liprandi, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “L’origine des choses, Collection du centre national des arts plastiques (France), curated by Sebastien Faucon“, La Centrale for Contemporary Art , Brussels, Belgium.
- 2012: “Sphe;res “, Galleria Continua, Le Moulin, Paris, France.
- 2012: “ÇA & LÀ / This & there “, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France.
- 2012: “In Other Words / Blackmarket of Translation – Negotiating Contemporary Cultures”, NGBK and Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany.
- 2012: “Texto de sala”, Galerie Crevecoeur, Paris, France.
- 2011: “Untitled (Passport) – 12th Istanbul Biennial”, Istanbul Biennial, Istambul, Turkey.
- 2010: “Dynasty “, Palais de Tokyo / Musee d’Art Modernede la ville de Paris, Paris, France.
- Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Steve Roden, Reinaldo Laddaga, Jorge Pedro Nuñez, Andrea Giunta, Txomin Badiola, Olga Fernandez López, Héctor Fuenmayor, Luis Camnitzer, Jesús Carrillo, Sofía Hernandez Chong Cuy, Ana Longon, Concrete Invention – Reflections on Geometric Abstraction from Latin America and Its Legacy Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (Madrid : Turner), 195.
- Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (FNAC), Paris, France.
- Cisneros Fontanals Foundation (CIFO), Miami, USA.
- Fonds Regional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC), Bourgogne, France.
- Fundacion ARCO, Madrid, Spain.
- Lab’Bel, Paris, France.
- Tiroche DeLeon Collection, London, UK.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Untitled ( tres cuerpos negros )”, 2014, Plywood and metal , 49 x 110 x 38 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Untitled ( smoked walls ) “, 2014, Plexiglass, mixed medias (found piece of wall in th streets of Paris, contains cement, plaster, concrete), 30 x 80 x 80 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Untitled ( smoked walls ) “, 2013, Plexiglass, mixed medias (found piece of wall in th streets of Paris, contains cement, plaster, concrete), 60 x 90 x 30 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Untitled ( smoked walls ) “, 2013, Plexiglass, mixed medias (found piece of wall in th streets of Paris, contains cement, plaster, concrete), 60 x 90 x 60 cm. Tiroche DeLeon Collection (London).
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “MADAME DEVAUÇAY – SERGIO LEONE”, 2012, Book and lamp, 32 x 198 x 24 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Chambre avec vue “, 2012, Stainless steel stems, plasterboard, 60 x 120 x 60 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Nature morte withmonuments”, 2010, Vinyl Records, aluminium, wood, Variable dimensions. CIFO.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Desde lejos los ranchos aparecen como una composición multicolor o todo lo que Jésus me dio “, 2011, Parts of the work Cromosaturacion of Carlos Cruz-Diez. Pliths and objects, Variable dimensions.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Practica constructiva”, 2011, books and metal, 20 x 120 x 90 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Electric Tatlin”, 2011, Books, metal, security system, cables., 290 x 250 x 45 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Untitled ( cinco cuerpos negros )”, 2014, Plywood and metal , 49 x 200 x 33 cm.
- Jorge Pedro Núñez, “Todo lo que MAM me dio “, 2010, Mixed media (plinths, show windows, various objects), 450 x 190 x 250 cm.