Abstraction in Action Danilo Dueñas: The painting fallen, and the collapse of Rome https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/danilo-duenas-painting-fallen-collapse-rome/


Artist: Danilo Dueñas

The painting fallen, and the collapse of Rome
March 18 – April 25, 2015
Galerie Thomas Schulte
Berlin, Germany

“The painting fallen, and the collapse of Rome“ is Dueñas’ second one person show with the gallery after succeeding impressively with his installation in the gallery’s Corner Space in 2012.

March 23, 2015 Danilo Dueñas: Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/danilo-duenas-teach-us-outgrow-madness/


Artists: Danilo Dueñas, Alfredo Jaar, Jonathan Lasker, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Fabian Marcaccio, Michael Müller, David Reed, Leunora Salihu, Albrecht Schnider and Stephen Willats.

Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness
November 22, 2014 – January 17, 2015
Galerie Thomas Schulte
Berlin, Germany

Group exhibition

Image: Alfredo Jaar, “Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness”, 1995
December 1, 2014 Danilo Dueñas: Art Kabinett at Art Basel Miami Beach https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/danilo-duenas-art-basel-miami/

Miami Bildleiste

Danilo Dueñas: Art Kabinett at Art Basel Miami Beach
December 5 to 8, 2013

Galerie Thomas Schulte
Art Basel Miami Beach
Booth C18
Miami, FL, USA

Danilo Dueñas composes his constructive paintings by assembling found, often discarded materials and intervening, when necessary, with paint, without limiting himself to a given format. He explores the surfaces and transforms them by suppressing or adding color, by sanding them down or by adding collage elements. For the Art Kabinett, Danilo Dueñas presents a selection of new works in different media, such as collages and works on paper.

Click here to view Danilo Dueñas on Abstraction in Action.

December 6, 2013 Danilo Dueñas https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/danilo-duenas/

On painting

A wall, the painting, the floor, the ceiling, the mist in the room.

The organ, the flute, the hemlock.

The truth, the specter, the real.

What is it that lives?, said the hare to the tortoise, is it the hemlock or the rose? The rose said, it is me, I shall always live, whilst the room shall grow and the sound shall ring in our ears. But my life shall never cease. Please testify to this never-ending truth and you too, shall live as me.

Traducido del inglés

Sobre la pintura

Un muro, la pintura, el piso, el techo, la neblina en la habitación.

El órgano, la flauta, la cicuta.

La verdad, el espectro, lo real.

¿Qué es lo que vive?, dijo la liebre a la tortuga, ¿es la cicuta o la rosa? La rosa dijo,

soy yo, siempre viviré, mientras que la habitación crezca y el sonido repique en nuestros oídos. Pero mi vida nunca terminará. Favor de testificar a esta verdad sinfín y tú también vivirás como yo.

Selected Biographical Information

Education / Training

Prizes / Fellowships

Solo Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions



October 15, 2013