Abstraction in Action Beyond Geometry: Experiments in Form, 1940s-1970s https://abstractioninaction.com/contexts/beyond-geometry-experiments-form-1940s-1970s/


Beyond Geometry: Experiments in Form, 1940s – 1970s 
Lynn Zelevansky (Editor)
June 1, 2004
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
240 pages

The 2004 LACMA-organized, Lynn Zelevansky curated Beyond Geometry: Experiments in Form, 1940s-70s exhibition provides a look at the art of an era that pulsated with the excitement of experimentation-when artists still believed in an avant-garde.  It examined the role of radically simplified form and systematic strategies in the evolution of vanguard art across the West; presented these issues art-historically, in a broad international framework which considered South American Concrete art outside of a regional context. Included 200 works by more than 130 artists, including examples of European and South American Concrete Art, Argentine Arte Madi, Brazilian Neo-Concretism, Kinetic and Op Art, U.S. Minimalism, and various forms of Post-Minimalism, including Process and Conceptual Art. Beyond Geometry includes work by such artists as Josef Albers, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Max Bill, Lucio Fontana, Eva Hesse, On Kawara, Sol LeWitt, Helio Oiticica, Blinky Palermo, Bridget Riley, Jesus Rafael Soto, and Victor Vasarely. It contains essays by Lynn Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein, Valerie Hillings, Miklos Peternak, Peter Frank, and Brandon LaBelle that place the work in the context of art history and the aesthetic and social issues of the time.

La exhibición organizada por LACMA y curada por Lynn Zelevansky, Beyond Geometry: Experiments in Form, 1940s-70s, provee una mirada sobre el  arte de una era que pulsó con entusiasmo por la experimentación, cuando los artistas todavía creían en la vanguardia. Examina el rol de la forma radicalmente simplificada y estrategias sistematizadas en la evolución de la vanguardia en el occidente; presentó estos temas dentro de la historia del arte, en un marco amplio internacional que considera el arte concreto de Sur America fuera de su contexto regional. Incluyó mas de 200 obras por mas de 130 artistas, incluyendo ejemplos de arte concreto europeo y de Sur América, arte argentino Madi, neo concretismo brazilero, arte cinético y arte optico, minimalismo norteamericano, y varias formas de post-minimalismo, incluyendo  arte conceptual y procesual. Beyond Geometryincluye la obra de artistas tales como: Josef Albers, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Max Bill, Lucio Fontana, Eva Hesse, On Kawara, Sol LeWitt, Helio Oiticica, Blinky Palermo, Bridget Riley, Jesus Rafael Soto, y Victor Vasarely. El catálogo contiene ensayos de: Lynn Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein, Valerie Hillings, Miklos Peternak, Peter Frank, and Brandon LaBelle  que colocan la obra en el contexto de la historia del arte y los temas estéticos y sociales de su tiempo.

July 16, 2016 Dario Escobar: Fútbol-The Beautiful Game https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/dario-escobar-futbol-beautiful-game/

LACMA Website Size

Artists: Adel Abdessmed, George Afedzi Hughes, Gustavo Artigas, Chris Beas, Mark Bradford, Miguel Calderon, Mary Ellen Carroll, Carolyn Castaño, Petra Cortright, Stephen Dean, Dario Escobar, Leo Fitzmaurice, Generic Art Solutions, Douglas Gordon, Andreas Gursky, Hassan Hajjaj, Lyle Ashton Harris, Satch Hoyt, Nelson Leirner, Nery Gabriel Lemus, Alon Levin, Amitis Motevalli, Antoni Muntadas, Oscar Murillo, Philippe Parreno, Paul Pfeiffer, Robin Rhode, Ana Serrano, Dewey Tafoya, Andy Warhol, Wendy White, Kehinde Wiley

Fútbol: The Beautiful Game
February 2 – July 20, 2014
Los Angeles, CA, USA

The exhibition examines football—nicknamed “the beautiful game” by one sports commentator—and its signficance in societies around the world. As a subject, football touches on issues of nationalism and identity, globalism and mass spectacle, as well as the common human experience shared by spectators from many cultures. Celebrating the sport on the eve of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the exhibition includes approximately thirty artists from around the world who work in video, photography, painting and sculpture. Two room-sized video installations—Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait, by the artists Philippe Parreno and Douglas Gordon, and Volta by Stephen Dean—anchor the exhibition. Other works by artists including Miguel Calderon (whose 2004 video Mexico v. Brasil represents a 17-0 victory for Mexico), Robin Rhode, Kehinde Wiley, and Andy Warhol provide a sense of the miraculous possibilities of the sport as universal conversation piece.

February 5, 2014