Abstraction in Action Montez Magno: Poemata (It is all poetry) https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/montez-magno-poemata-poetry/

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Artist: Montez Magno

Poemata (It is all poetry)
March 30, 2016 – May 21, 2016
Galeria Pilar
São Paulo, Brazil

The latest exhibit by Brazilian artist Montez Magno (b. Pernambuco, 1934) contains over forty works, rigorously selected to reflect Magno’s sixty-year investigation of artistic language as expressed on a myriad of surfaces. Curated by art critic Lisette Lagnado.

Lagnado examines the artist’s poetic inflections, a lesser-known aspect of his work, highlighting the dialogue between painting and script; between “celestial letters” and poems.

“Poemata” seeks to establish non-hierarchical relations between two praxis of creation, making subtle transitions using works in different forms (for example, a painting and a score, a drawing and a poem), subtle just like the lines that appear in the white space on the surface of his work, be it paper, canvas or Styrofoam.

With lines at times vertical and at others horizontal, reminding us of the patterns of a notebook, the chosen works display a type of leitmotif in the vocabulary of the artist, independent of the chosen surface.

April 7, 2016 Montez Magno: Solo show https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/montez-magno-solo-show/


Artist: Montez Magno

Montez Magno
October 3 – November 8, 2014
Christinger de Mayo
Zurich, Switzerland

This exhibition brings a selection of Montez Magno works that developed his entropic impulse, broadly rooted in a sensitive and experimental dimension of spatiality. (…) Thus, more interested in invention, in the force of creation not only as an act, but rather as a constant exercise, Montez Magno rearranges materials as diverse and ordinary as a bar of soap, a watercolour pen or screws, constituting a centrifugal, variable oeuvre open to the other that – unconcerned with “structuring the world” in a universal spatiality (whether cosmological or cosmogonical) – is inclined, in turn, to create small, ephemeral and punctual arrangements which, in response to all variety of political and sensitive contexts, nonetheless have the power to make inventors out of all of us.

Selection of original text by Clarissa Diniz

Image: Montez Magno, “Untitled”, 2005
October 29, 2014 Montez Magno https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/montez-magno/

Translated from Portuguese

A great deal of my current work is based on things from here, from Recife, in the Northeast, but the Recifenses themselves do not realize it. I’m doing a survey or study of a forgotten and omitted side from Brazilian popular art: the abstractionist side. It is incredible what people do in terms of geometric abstraction. I am documenting with slides the diverse modalities of abstract geometric expression: party tents and blankets, patchwork, ice cream carts, popcorn, etc.; garage doors and other things that show up. It is fantastic, and you will sometimes find things of op-art, constructivism and concretism, all of this done in the most holly ignorance and naivety, but with a keen and intuitive sense of color and construction. These are the things from which I currently extract material for my work.


[…] Grande parte do meu trabalho atual é baseado em coisas daqui mesmo, do Recife, do Nordeste, mas os próprios recifenses não percebem isso. Estou fazendo uma pesquisa ou estudo do lado esquecido e omitido da arte popular brasileira: o lado abstracionista.

É incrível o que o povo faz em termos de abstração geométrica. Estou documentando com slides as diversas modalidades de expressão abstrato-geometrica: barracas de festa e de feira cobertas de retalhos, carroças de sorvete, de pipocas, etc; portões de garagem e outras coisas que vão aparecendo. É fantastico e voce encontra as vezes coisas de op-art, de concretismo e de construtivismo, tudo isso feito na mais santa ignorância e ingenuidade, mas com um agudo e intuitivo senso de cor e de construção. É dessas coisas que atualmente extraio material para meu trabalho.

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October 16, 2013