Abstraction in Action Pia Camil, Nicolás Consuegra, Elena Damiani, Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Amalia Pica, Pablo Rasgado, Gabriel Sierra and Clarissa Tossin: United States of Latin America https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/united-states-latin-america/


Artists: Pablo Accinelli, Edgardo Aragón, Juan Araujo, Felipe Arturo, Nicolás Bacal, Milena Bonilla, Paloma Bosquê, Pia Camil, Bevenuto Chavajay, Marcelo Cidade, Donna Conlon & Jonathan Harker, Nicolás Consuegra, Minerva Cuevas, Elena Damiani, Mariana Castillo Deball, Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Federico Herrero, Voluspa Jarpa, Runo Lagomarsino, Adriana Lara, Engel Leonardo, Valentina Liernur, Mateo López, Renata Lucas, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Nicolás Paris, Amalia Pica, Pablo Rasgado, Pedro Reyes, Adrián Villar Rojas, Gabriel Sierra, Clarissa Tossin, Carla Zaccagnini.

United States of Latin America
Curated by Jens Hoffmann and Pablo León de la Barra
September 18, 2015 – January 3, 2016
Museum of Contemporary Art
Detroit, MI, USA

The exhibition United States of Latin America brings together more than thirty emerging artists from Latin America, many of whom will be exhibiting in the United States for the first time.

The show is based on an ongoing conversation between two curators, Jens Hoffmann and Pablo León de la Barra, who for a number of years have exchanged research and information about artists, artworks, and the overall development of the art world from Mexico to Argentina and the many countries in between. The exhibition is an extension of this dialogue into the galleries of the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit via artworks suggested in dialogue format.

United States of Latin America features a wide range of works in a variety of mediums, for instance a series of photographs about housing in Havana, a film about the effects of gang violence in Mexico, sculptures reflecting on the involvement of the CIA in Latin American dictatorships, drawings of historical monuments from the future, a floor map about the selling of Brazilian rubber to the United States, boulders from a Colombian river that have been turned into flip-flops, and paintings about the interplay of modernist houses, tropical vegetation, and utopian architecture. The individual artworks touch upon themes such as geography, history, urbanism, memory, colonialism, architecture, war, modernism, social inequality, regionalism, and power. Given how Latin America’s realities oscillate between the colonial and the contemporary, between severe economic hardships and enormous financial expansions, between flourishing democracies and suppressive dictatorships, and between great progress and immense regression, the exhibition presents an intentionally fragmented survey, a deliberately disjointed overview, of the region and the art being made there. It allows the viewer a glimpse into a reality that may seem geographically near, but is in many ways far away and unfamiliar.

The curators invited a number of writers and curators from throughout Latin America to contribute to a glossary of terms that articulate the region’s historical landscape and conceptual syntax. This glossary will be published in the exhibition catalogue along with a conversation between the curators, texts on all of the artists, images of the exhibited artworks, and a roundtable discussion featuring a number of curators based in Latin America.

Developed in collaboration with Kadist Art Foundation, United States of Latin America is curated by Jens Hoffmann, MOCAD senior curator at large, and Pablo León de la Barra, guest curator. A range of public programs and educational activities will run concurrently with the exhibition, including a public conversation with the curators, lectures by some of the participating artists, film screenings, and performances.

October 6, 2015 Alexander Apostol, Leyla Cárdenas, Nicolás Consuegra & Elena Damiani: En y Entre Geografías https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/alexander-apostol-leyla-cardenas-nicolas-consuegra-elena-damiani-en-y-entre-geografias/


Artists: Adolfo Bernal, Alex Cerveny, Alexander Apostol, Anna Bella Geiger, Armando Miguelez, Bouchra Khalili, Camille Henrot, Carolina Caycedo, Christy Gast, Dora Mejia, Elena Damiani, Jose Castrellon, Leyla Cardenas, Libia Posada, Luis Hernandez Mellizo, Manuela Ribadeneira, Margarita Pineda, Milena Bonilla, Monica Paez, Nicolas Consuegra, Oscar Farfan, Paola Monzillo, Sebastian Fierro, Tania Bruguera, Tulio Restrepo.

En y Entre Geografías / In and In Between Geographie
Curated by Emiliano Valdés
September 2 – November 9, 2015
MAMM Museo de Arte Moderno
Medellín, Colombia

After almost four decades of existence, the Medellín Museum of Modern Art begins a new phase with the opening of its Expansion in September. For the opening, the Museum will present En y entre Geografías (In and In Between Geographies) among eight other exhibitions. In and In Between Geographies brings together a group of international artists who incorporate in their practices research and physical, cultural and political thinking aspects that determine the location of human beings and how such aspects affect life conditions, including subjective parameters like desire and intellectual production. The exhibition is structured in three sections that address mobility in the early 21st century through a variety of research approaches: formal, political, and metaphorical.

September 24, 2015 Nicolás Consuegra & Bernardo Ortiz: XI Bienal Monterrey FEMSA https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/nicolas-consuegra-bernardo-ortiz-xi-bienal-monterrey-femsa/


Artists: Javier Areán, Melba Arellano, Sebastián Beltrán, Irène Blaise, Hernán Bravo, Alejandro Cartagena, Colectivo Estética Unisex, Colectivo Objeto Posible, Irene Clouthier, Hugo Crostwaite, Alejandro Equihua, Marco Esparza, Oscar Farfán, María García Ibáñez, David Garza, Rubén Gutiérrez, Miguel Ledesma, Juan Rodrigo Llaguna, Ammner López Bautizo, Pablo López Luz, Amalia Lucrecia López Vélez “Lukresya”,  Jacqueline Judith Lozano “JJ Lozano”, Andrea Martínez, Antonio Monroy, Eliud Nava, Felipe Núñez, Antonio Medina, Coral Revueltas, Eduardo Romo, Marco Vinicio Rosales, Oswaldo Ruiz, Rocío Sáenz, Emilio Said, Mariela Sancari, Fabián Ugalde, Rolando Jacob, Héctor Velázquez Gutiérrez, Gustavo Villegas, Ryuichi Yahagi, Milton Zayas, Marta Combariza, Nicolás Consuegra, Graciela Duarte y Manuel Enrique Santana, Humberto Junca, Deky Morelos, Oscar Moreno, Mario Opazo, Bernardo Ortiz, María Isabel Rueda, Mapa Teatro -laboratorio de artistas.

XI Bienal Monterrey FEMSA
August 14 – November 9, 2014
Centro de las Artes, Parque Fundidora
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

La Bienal Monterrey FEMSA fue instituida en 1992 con el propósito de reconocer, fortalecer y estimular la creación artística en México. Su consolidación a través de los años, le ha dado el reconocimiento como uno de los certámenes de artes plásticas de mayor prestigio en el país.

August 29, 2014 Abstraction in Action: ARCOmadrid 2014 https://abstractioninaction.com/happenings/abstraction-action-arcomadrid-2014/


ARCOmadrid 2014
19–23 February 2014
Halls 7 & 9, Feria de Madrid
Booth 7H02
Madrid, Spain

Abstraction in Action presents its online platform at an institutional booth during the fair, allowing visitors to interact with the database while gaining a deeper understanding of the project and the artists involved. The website will launch a new “Projects” section during the fair, featuring exhibitions, site-specific installations, and events that AIA has produced. Along with that, AIA features new artists:

Leyla Cárdenas (Colombia, 1975), John Mario Ortiz (Colombia, 1973), G. T. Pellizzi (Mexico, 1978), Rosario López Parra (Colombia, 1970), Macaparana (Brazil, 1952), Fidel Sclavo (Uruguay, 1960), KIRIN (Argentina, 1953), Bernardo Corces (Argentina, 1988), Eduardo Santiere (Argentina, 1962), Georgina Santos (Mexico, 1988), Santiago Reyes Villaveces (Colombia, 1986), Rodrigo Sassi (Brazil, 1981), Nicolás Lamas (Peru, 1980), Nicolás Consuegra (Colombia, 1976), María Ezcurra (Argentina, 1973), Jorge Pedro Núñez (Venezuela, 1976), Jaime Ruiz Otis (RUIZCYCLE) (Mexico, 1976), Gabriel Acevedo Velarde (Peru, 1976), Edwin Monsalve (Colombia, 1984), Chiara Banfi (Brazil, 1979), Barbarita Cardozo (Colombia, 1975), Ana Belén Cantoni (Peru, 1983), Óscar Figueroa (Costa Rica, 1986), and Silvana Lacarra (Argentina, 1962)


February 25, 2014 Nicolás Consuegra https://abstractioninaction.com/artists/nicolas-consuegra/
Translated from Spanish

In about ten years of professional experience, I have been interested in different transcultural processes from which I intend to build paragons between the local knowledge of my Colombian context and how these face each other, validate, or are opposed to foreign cultural discourses and production.

In this period of time I have focused on developing projects in which I can combine my interests in installation, sculpture, and video, and how these artistic mediums can (and must) be understood contextually. I find pertinent to mention that I am drawn to recognize and study the breaks I find in artistic and cultural discourses as in the information that originates from different contexts as mine. Following this line of thought, I remember constantly Brazilian Oswaldo de Andrade and his ideas about “anthropophagy,” since we constantly devour what belongs to someone else so we can produce something new.


Durante algo más de diez años de ejercicio profesional, he estado interesado en diversos procesos transculturales con los cuales pretendo construir parangones entre los saberes locales de mi contexto colombiano y cómo estos se enfrentan, validan u oponen a discursos y producciones culturales foráneas.

En este período de tiempo me he concentrado en desarrollar proyectos en los que puedo combinar mis intereses en la instalación, la escultura y vídeo, y cómo estos términos artísticos pueden (y deben) ser entendidos contextualmente. Me parece pertinente mencionar que me siento muy atraído por reconocer y estudiar las fisuras que encuentro tanto en los discursos artísticos y culturales como en la información que proviene de contextos diferentes al propio. En este orden de ideas, recuerdo constantemente al brasilero Oswaldo de Andrade y sus ideas sobre la “antropofagia”, pues constantemente devoramos lo que es ajeno para producir algo nuevo.

Selected Biographical Information

Education / Training

Prizes / Fellowships

Solo Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions




February 19, 2014