My focus has always been on questioning the accuracy of our perception, our interpretation of reality. I have tried to capture the state of flux of everything. Participation of the viewer is important because it brings the person into the sculpture; the public is the performer and the viewer, and that dual involvement is an important element of my work. I explore the ideas of sequencing, beginning and end, making objects that are simple networks with no definite shape and that exist between the second and third dimension with infinite possible configurations.
Traducido del inglés
Mi enfoque siempre ha sido el cuestionar la precisión de nuestra percepción, de nuestra interpretación de la realidad. He intentado capturar el estado de flujo de todas las cosas. La participación del espectador es importante porque trae a la persona dentro de la escultura; el público es el que realiza el performance y el espectador, y esa participación binaria es un elemento importante de mi obra. Exploro ideas de secuencia, principio y fin, realizando objetos que son redes simples sin forma definida y que existen entre la segunda y tercera dimensión, con configuraciones posibles infinitas.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1980: BFA, State University of New York at Old Westbury.
- 1977-8: Summer Internship, Camnitzer-Porter Studio.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2013: Pollck-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York, USA.
- 2003: Civitella Ranieri Artist Residency, Umbria, Italy.
- 2001: Anonymous Was A Woman Award, New York, USA.
- 2000: Joan Mitchell Foundation Inc, Award, New York, USA.
- 1986: Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York, USA.
- 1983-5: PS-1 National Studio Program Artist Residency, New York, USA.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “Integral Geometries”, Special Project Room, MoLAA, Long Beach, CA, USA.
- 2011: “Constructions”, Cecilia de Torres Ltd. New York City, USA.
- 2010: “New Paradigms”, Alejandra von Hartz, Miami, USA.
- 2008: “Marta Chilindron”, Galeria Laura Marsiaj, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- 2006: “Sculpture in Four Dimensions”, Amelie Wallace, SUNY, New York City, USA.
- 2006: “Marta Chilindron”, VCUQ Gallery, Doha, Qatar.
- 2004: “New Work”, Cecilia de Torres, Ltd, New York City, USA.
- 2001: “Sculptures”, Dot Galerie, Geneva, Swizterland.
- 1999: “Cinema Kinesis, Contemporanea”, El Museo del Barrio, New York City, USA.
- 1997: “Dimensions”, Cecila de Torres, Ltd, New York City, USA.
- 1994: “Talking Paintings & Dreams”, IBEU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “New Territories: Design and Art from Latin America”, Museum of Art and Design, New York City, USA.
- 2013: “Group Show”, Cecilia de Torres Ltd. New York City, USA.
- 2012: “LA to LA, Selections from Sayago & Pardon Collection”, LA Art Core, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2012: “Group Exhibition”, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA.
- 2011: “Tridimensional”, Alejandra von Hartz Gallery, Miami, USA.
- 2010: “Fokus Lodz Biennale 2010”, Lodz, Poland.
- 2010: “The Constructive Elan”, Alejandra von Hartz Gallery, Miami, USA.
- 2006: “Sites of Latin American Abstraction”, CIFO (Cisneros Fontanal Foundation), Miami, Florida, USA.
- 2005: “The Art of Point of Contact”, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York, USA.
- 2004: “Up & Coming, Invited artist”, ARCO 04, Madrid, Spain.
- 2001: “Five Easy Pieces”, Dot Galerie, Basel, Swizterland.
- 2000: “Square Root”, Cecilia de Torres, Ltd., New York City, USA.
- 1997: “Studio Camnitzer”, Museo Nacional del Grabado, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 1992: “The Art Mall”, The New Museum, New York City, USA.
- 1992: “500 Años”, Centro Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 1985: “PS-1 Artists”, The Clocktower Gallery, New York City, USA.
- 2012: Beta Sichel, “Constructions,” Arte al Dia International, #139.
- 2012: Tatiana Flores, “Marta Chilindron at Cecilia de Torres,” ArtNexus, Vol. 11 #84.
- 2012: Robert C. Morgan, “Sculpture in New York,” World Sculpture News, Vol. 18 #1
- 2011: Constructions exhibition catalogue, essays by Eleanor Heartney and Richard Vine.
- 2010: Goschka Gawlik, “Kunst News, Focus Lodz Biennale 2010”, 2-10-10, art magazine, Vienna, Austria.
- 2001: Richard Vine, “Report from Rio de la Plata,” Art in America, Oct.
- 1997: Jonathan Goodman, “Marta Chilindron at Cecilia de Torres,” Art in America, Sept.
- 1996: Ana Tiscornia, “Perverting the Specific Object,” Atlantica Int. Revista de las Artes, #15.
- 1993: Monica Amor, “Contemporary Art of Argentina, Brazil & Colombia,” Art Nexus, 6-8/93.
- 1992: Berta Sichel, “Touched by Light,” Art Nexus.
- Jack S. Blanton Museum, Austin, Texas, USA.
- Cisneros Fontanal Art Foundation, Miami, Florida, USA.
- Sayago & Pardon Collection, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- El Museo del Barrio, New York, New York, USA.
- Fonds d’art contemporain de la ville de Genève, Switzerland.
- Banco do Spiritu Santo, Portugal.
Additional Links
- Marta Chilindron – 9 Triangles (blue, pink, yellow)
- Marta Chilindron: Integral Geometries Exhibition at MOLAA 2013
- Marta Chilindrón, “Cube 48”, 2006, Blue twin-wall polycarbonate, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 48 x 48 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Cube 48”(alternate view), 2006, Blue twin-wall polycarbonate, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 48 x 48 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Pyramid 48”, 2006, Green twin-wall polycarbonate, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 48 x 48 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Pyramid 48”(alternate view), 2006, Green twin-wall polycarbonate, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 48 x 48 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Hexagon 3030”, 2007, 3/8 clear 3030 plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 3/8 x 44 x 44 in. when completely open. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Hexagon 3030” (alternate view), 2007, 3/8 clear 3030 plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 3/8 x 44 x 44 in. when completely open. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Sphere 12”, 2009, Fluorescent blue plexi, plastic hinges, 12 x 12 x 12 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Sphere 12” (being shaped by artist), 2009, Fluorescent blue plexi, plastic hinges, 12 x 12 x 12 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Spiral”, 2010, Fluorescent blue plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 83 in. diameter when completely flat. Photo credit: Alejandra von Hartz Gallery.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Orange Pyramid”, 2010, Fluorescent orange plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 18 x 18 x 18 in. when closed. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Twenty-Seven Triangles”, 2010, Clear 3030 and DP9 frosted plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 16 x 18 x 12 in. when completely closed. Photo credit: Alejandra von Hartz Gallery.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Ring”, 2013, Radiant plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 30 in. diameter when flat. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Mobius”, 2013, Fluorescent pink, fluorescent green and blue plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 36 x 80 x 80 in. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Hex Spiral”, 2013, Fluorescent yellow plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 110 x 90 in. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.
- Marta Chilindrón, “Hex Spiral” (alternate view with artist), 2013, Fluorescent yellow plexi, plastic hinges and screws, 48 x 110 x 90 in. Photo credit: Arturo Sanchez.