- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, 2014. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “The Company of Colours, Shadow Box 9”, 2009. Location: Trackers, La Gaïté Lyrique, Paris, France, 2011. Photo by: Maxime Dufour. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Tape Recorders, Subsculpture 12”, 2011. Location: Recorders, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Articulated Intersect”, 2011. Location: MONA Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2014. Photo by: MONA / Rémi Chauvin. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Levels of Nothingness, Performers 1”, 2009. Location: Guggenheim Museum, New York City, New York, United States. Photo by: Kristopher McKay. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Make Out, Shadow Box 8”, 2008. Location: Detectores, Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012. Photo by: Pablo Lasansky, Fundación Telefónica. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Make Out, Shadow Box 8”, 2008. Location: Detectores, Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012. Photo by: Pablo Lasansky, Fundación Telefónica. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Method Random 1”, 2014. Image generated with a seed of 5970917 using an LCG algorithm with a=22695477, c=1, and m=2^32. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Reporters with Borders, Shadow Box 6”, 2007. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Performance Review UBS”, 2013. Location: Armory Show, New York City, NY, United States, 2013. C-Print 120 x 188 cm. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Pulse Corniche”, 2015. Commissioned by: Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Pulse Corniche”, 2015. Commissioned by: Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Pulse Spiral”, 2008. Location: Haunch of Venison Gallery, New York City, New York, United States, 2009. Photo by: Haunch of Venison Gallery. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Semioptics for Spinoza”, 2013. Location: New York City, United States, 2013. Semioptics for Spinoza at the Armory Show 2013. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Solar Equation, Relational Architecture 16”, 2013. Location: Lumiere Festival, Durham, United Kingdom. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Sphere Packing”, 2014. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Sphere Packing”, 2014. Richard Wagner – Glazed porcelain 3D print, 110 channels of sound, 13 cm diameter, 3 Kg aproximately. Photo by: Antimodular Research. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Voice Tunnel, Relational Architecture 21”, 2013. Commissioned by: Park Avenue Tunnel, NYC DOT “Summer Streets”. Location: Park Avenue Tunnel, New York City, NY, United States. Photo by: NYC Department of Transportation. Courtesy of the artist.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Voice Tunnel, Relational Architecture 21”, 2013. Commissioned by: Park Avenue Tunnel, NYC DOT “Summer Streets”. Location: New York City, United States. Photo by: James Ewing. Courtesy of the artist.
I’m an electronic-based artist. My work, often large scale, is made up of interactive installations in public space and usually deploys new technologies and physical interfaces. Using robotics, projections, sound, internet and mobile phones, sensors and other devices, I make examples of kinetic sculpture, responsive environments, video installations and photography which require the viewer to reconsider their conceptions of art, networks, language, code and meaning through human interactions and production of the ephemeral.
Soy un artista electrónico, mi obra generalmente de gran escala, se conforma por instalaciones interactivas en espacios públicos, normalmente usando nuevas tecnologías e interfaces físicas. Por medio de la robótica, proyecciones, sonido, Internet y teléfonos móviles, sensores y otros dispositivos, creo ejemplos de escultura cinética, entornos interactivos, instalaciones de vídeo y fotografía que obligan a reconsiderar el concepto unidireccional del arte. Exploro y experimento con lo análogo y digital, con conceptos como el de red, lengua, código y significado a través de la presencia humana y de lo efímero.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1984-1989: B.Sc. in Physical Chemistry, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2012-2013: Joyce Award, The Joyce Foundation, Chicago, Ill, United States.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2016: “Surface Tension, Electronic Superhighway show”, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
Group Exhibitions
- 2015: “Encan Esse Auction”, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- RLH, Keynote Presentation (Mexico City: MUAC Museum), 1-3.
- 21C Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, United States.