Artists: Raquel Rabinovich, Jule Manna, Linda Mary Montano.
7 Hour Collaborative Glandathon: Dance, Pray, Bless at Nancy Donskoj’s
August 29, 2015
The Storefront Gallery
Kingston, NY, USA
. Manna will move and dance for seven hours
. Montano will pray sounds for seven hours
. Rabinovich will give offerings (mud drawings) from her hands to everyone for one hour (6-7pm)
Each hour will reference one of the seven glands.
Image: Raquel Rabinovich, “Emergences (Hudson River)”, 2012-2014, Series: Emergences, Site-Specific Sculpture, On-site stones, Dimensions variable, Lighthouse Park, Port Ewen, New York, USA, Collection Town of Esopus, Photo credit: Camilo Rojas.
August 26, 2015 Raquel Rabinovich Raquel Rabinovich, “The Dark is Light Enough 12”, 1963, Series: The Dark is Light Enough, Oil on linen, 98,75 x 98,75 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Invisible Cities 6”, 1984-1985, Series: Invisible Cities, Graphite wash and rubber stamps on Arches paper, 145 x 110 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Chhodrtens 14”, 1989-90, Series Chhodrtens, Oil, wax and pencil on linen, 75 x 75 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Chhodrtens 15”, 1989-90, Series Chhodrtens, Oil, wax and pencil on linen, 100 x 80 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Thrones for the Gods, Suite A 5”, 1992-95, Series Thrones for the Gods, Charcoal, pastel, and manganese powder on handmade Nepalese paper, 77,5 x 52,5 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Thrones for the Gods, Suite B 3”, 1992-95, Series Thrones for the Gods, Charcoal, pastel, graphite wash and chalk on handmade Nepalese paper, 80 x 50 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Garbhagrihas 21”, 1991-93, Series Garbhagrihas, Oil, pencil and wax on canvas, 125 x 200 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Pabhavikas 1”, 1995-96, Series Pabhavikas, River split stone, 90 x 390 x 960 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Gateless Gates 11”, 1995-1997, Series Gateless Gates, Oil, wax and pencil on canvas, 105 x 80 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “River Library 350 with Footnotes”, 2010, Series River Library, Orinoco River mud and glue on Essindia paper, 43,75 x 100 cm width, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “River Library 380 with Footnotes”, 2011, Series River Library, Mississippi River mud and glue on Essindia paper, 38,75 x 56,25 cm, Collection Ruth Rosenblum, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “River Library 411 with Rivermaps”, 2012-2013, Series River Library, Nile River mud, pencil and glue on Essindia paper, 37,50 x 58,75 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “River Library Scrolls”, 2002-2014, Series: River Library, Drawing (table installation), River mud and glue on Essindia paper, 75 x 60 x 225 cm, Collection the artist, Photo credit: Douglas Baz.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Emergences (Hudson River)”, 2003-2009, Series: Emergences, Site-Specific Sculpture, Algonquin Fieldstone, S. Bay Quartzite stone, and on-site stones, Dimensions variable, Riverfront Park, Beacon, New York, USA, Collection City of Beacon, Photo credit: Camilo Rojas.
- Raquel Rabinovich, “Emergences (Hudson River)”, 2012-2014, Series: Emergences, Site-Specific Sculpture, On-site stones, Dimensions variable, Lighthouse Park, Port Ewen, New York, USA, Collection Town of Esopus, Photo credit: Camilo Rojas.
For many years I have been investigating the ineffable nature of things, objects, words, thoughts. My art has always been informed by an underlying awareness of the concealed and ephemeral aspects of existence that we don’t see or that appear to be invisible. Through the processes I have explored, I try to reveal how that which has been concealed emerges into view. Art is for me making visible the invisible. In working across mediums for the last fifty years, I go to the unknown in order to know. I go to the dark to see the light.
Traducido del inglés
Durante muchos años, he estado investigando la naturaleza inefable de las cosas, los objetos, las palabras, los pensamientos. Mi arte siempre ha sido informado por una conciencia subyacente de los aspectos ocultos y efímeros de la existencia que no vemos o que parece ser invisible. A través de los procesos que he explorado, trato de mostrar cómo lo que se ha ocultado surge a la vista. El arte es para mí hacer visible lo invisible. Al trabajar en distintos medios durante los últimos cincuenta años, me voy hacia lo desconocido con la finalidad de conocer. Voy a la oscuridad para ver la luz.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1958-1959: The University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- 1956-1957: Atelier André Lhote, Paris, France.
- 1956: La Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- 1950-1953: Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2011-2012: Lee Krasner Award for Lifetime Achievement, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA.
- 2006: The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation , New York, USA.
- 2001: The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation , New York, USA.
- 1995: Individual Artist Grant for Works on Paper, New York State Council on the Arts, New York, USA.
- 1992: National Endowment for the Arts U.S./France Fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C., USA.
- 1991: National Endowment for the Arts Visual Arts Fellowship, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C., USA.
- 1986: Artists Space Grant, Artists Space, New York, USA.
- 1980: Artists Space Grant, Artists Space, New York , USA.
- 1978: CAPS Fellowship Grant, Creative Artists Public Service , New York, USA.
- 1964: Beca del Fondo Nacional de Las Artes, Fondo Nacional de Las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2014: “Gateless Gates“, Y Gallery, New York, USA.
- 2009: “River Library (The Poetics of Water)”, 10th International Cuenca Biennial, Cuenca, Ecuador.
- 2008: “Raquel Rabinovich: River Library”, Fundación Alon, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2000: “Light Unworn: New Paintings by Raquel Rabinovich”, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, USA.
- 1998: “Enfolded Darkness: Recent Drawings by Raquel Rabinovich”, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, USA.
- 1996: “Raquel Rabinovich: Drawings 1978-1995”, INTAR Gallery, New York, USA.
- 1990: “Chhodrtens – Recent Work by Raquel Rabinovich (in conjunction with Beyond the Surface)”, Americas Society, New York, USA.
- 1986: “Invisible Cities: Sculpture and Drawings by Raquel Rabinovich”, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, USA.
- 1983: “TheThe Map Is Not the Territory (in conjunction with New Spaces)”, Center for Inter-American Relations, New York, USA.
- 1981: “Raquel Rabinovich: Esculturas – Dibujos 1981”, Galería Garcés Velásquez, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1980: “Shelter”, Institute for Art and Urban Resources at P.S.1, Long Island City, NY., USA.
- 1979: “Cloister, Crossing, Passageway, 1.32”, The Jewish Museum Sculpture Court, New York, USA.
- 1974: “Raquel Rabinovich: Painting, Collage, Sculpture”, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, NY, USA.
- 1963: “La oscuridad tiene su luz”, Galería Rioboo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 1960: “First Exhibition in England of Paintings by Raquel Rabinovich”, Leicester Galleries, London, England.
Group Exhibitions
- 2015: “Empire of Dirt”, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
- 2014: “Feral Objects”, CREON, New York, USA.
- 2013: “LINE & FORM”, MARC STRAUS, New York, USA.
- 2013: “Sofia International Paper Art Biennial 2013”, Amateras Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- 2012: “One of a Kind II – “Unbound” –An Exhibition in Three Chapters”, Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- 2011: “Hudson River Contemporary: Works on Paper”, Boscobel Exhibition Gallery, Garrison, NY, USA.
- 2011: “Sticks and Stones”, Lehman College Art Gallery, New York, USA.
- 2010: “Marks that Matter, Contemporary Drawing in the Hudson Valley”, Ulster State University of New York, Stone Ridge, NY, USA.
- 2008: “Selection of Works from the Haim Chanin Collection”, Haim Chanin Fine Arts, New York, USA.
- 2007: “Minimal Interference in collaboration with Lucio Pozzi”, BCB Art Gallery, Hudson, NY, USA.
- 2004: “Art on Paper 2004”, Weatherspoon Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, USA.
- 2004: “Voces y Visiones: Highlights from El Museo del Barrio’s Permanent Collection”, El Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
- 2003: “Imaging the River”, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY, USA.
- 2003: “Sticks and Stones”, Collaborative Concepts, Beacon, NY, USA.
- 2002: “Miami Currents”, Miami Art Museum, Miami, Fl, USA.
- 2002: “Blobs, Wiggles, and Dots, Webs and Crustillations”, Blobs, Wiggles, and Dots, Webs and Crustillations, The Work Space, New York, USA.
- 2001: “New Acquisitions”, Miami Art Museum, Miami, Fl, USA.
- 2000: “Re-Aligning Vision: Alternative Currents in South American Drawing”, El Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
- 1995: “Presence/Absence”, Trans Hudson Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, USA.
- 1994: “The Persistence of Abstraction: American Abstract Artists”, Oceanville, NJ, USA.
- Nelly Perazzo, Historia general del arte en la Argentina, Tomo XI (Escultura argentina 1965-2000) (Buenos Aires: Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes), 263-264.
- David Levi Strauss, In Praise of Darkness, From Head to Hand: Art and the Manual (New York: Oxford University Press), 66-69.
- Julian P. Herzberg, Raquel Rabinovich: Antología del lecho de los ríos/Anthology of the Riverbeds (Buenos Aires: Editorial Fundación Alon ).
- Ann Philbin, 560 Broadway: A New York Drawing Collection at Work, 1991-2006 (New York: New York and Yale University Press), 137.
- Linda Weintraub with Skip Schuckmann, EnvironMentalities: Twenty-two Approaches to Eco-Art, Avant-Guardians: Textlets in Art and Ecology. (Rhinebeck, NY: Artnow Publications), 141-144.
- Hedwig Brenner, Judische Frauen in der bildenden Kunst II (Hartung-Gorre Verlag ), 275-276.
- Erin Aldana, St. James Guide to Hispanic Artists (New York: St. James Press), 485-488.
- Linda Weintraub and George Quasha, Raquel Rabinovich, The Dark Is the Source of Light (Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Arts).
- Peter Bellamy, The Artist Project: Portraits of the Real World / New York Artists 1981-1990 (New York: IN Publishing), 184.
- German Rubiano Caballero, La Escultura en América Latina (Siglo XX) (Bogotá: Ediciones de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia).
- Damián C. Bayón, Aventura Plástica de Hispanoamérica (México City: Breviarios del Fondo de Cultura Económica), 161.
- Ann McCoy, “The Artful Recluse: Painting, Poetry, and Politics in the 17th-Century China”, The Brooklyn Rail, May, 2013.
- Julia P. Herzberg, “Raquel Rabinovich: Stone Sculptures”, ARTE!Brasileiros, March, 2011, 66-70.
- Robert C. Morgan, “Raquel Rabinovich: Fluid Equilibrium”, Sculpture, December, 2010, 48-49.
- Luisa Valenzuela, “Palabras de agua”, Perfil, June 14, 2009.
- William Zimmer, “Out of the Water, Inspiration”, The New York Times, Dec. 28, 2003.
- Nicole Krauss, “Raquel Rabinovich at Trans Hudson”, Art in America, July, 1999.
- William Zimmer, “Beyond the Surface”, Arts Magazine, October, 1990.
- Grace Glueck, “Critics’ Choices”, The New York Times, October 19, 1986.
- Amei Wallach, “Contemplating What Is Beyond What We See”, Newsday, March 10, 1983.
- John Stringer, “Raquel Rabinovich: De lo mítico a lo actual”, Arte Informa , 1983, 12.
- George R. Collins, “Raquel Rabinovich”, Arts Magazine, February, 1983, 4.
- Grace Glueck, “There’s New Sculpture Under the Sun All OverTown”, The New York Times, August 3, 1979.
- John Gruen, “Raquel Rabinovich”, The Soho Weekly News, February, 1975.
- Jeanne Paris, “Jeanne Paris, Refines Her Art: Raquel Rabinovich Exhibit at Heckscher”, Long Island Press, February 3, 1975.
- Amei Wallach Her Fragile Art Arises from Wisps of Dreams Newsday, June 24, “Her Fragile Art Arises from Wisps of Dreams”, Newsday, June 24,1973.
- Jacqueline Barnitz, “Raquel Rabinovich at Benson, Bridgehampton”, Arts Magazine, September-October, 1970.
- The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Whitney Museum of American Art , New York, USA.
- Argentine Banking Corporation, New York, USA.
- Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
- The Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas Austin, Austin, Texas, USA.
- Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Foundation for Contemporary Arts, New York, USA.
- Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida, USA.
- Museo de Arte Morderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Museo Genaro Perez, Cordoba, Argentina.
- World Bank Fine Art Collection, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Museo Emilio Caraffa, Cordoba, Argentina.
- City of Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- National Gallery of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Reading Public Museum, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Museo de Arte Abstracto, Zacatecas, Mexico.
- Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogota, Colombia.
- Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, USA.
- The Bronx Museum, New York, USA.
- World Literature Today
- 2015, Y Gallery: Exhibition showcasing works from series River Library and Gateless Gates.
- 2014, Ann McCoy, “IN CONVERSATION: Raquel Rabinovich with Ann McCoy.” Brooklyn Rail Interview, Brooklyn, NY, USA, November. P. 27, 28, 29. Interview on the occasion of solo exhibition at Y Gallery.
- 2014, Rachel Cole Dalamangas, INTERVIEW: ON THE NATURE OF ART & THE ART … – Zingmagazine Raquel Rabinovich on the invisible world, slowing down & mud as aesthetic” (Interview by Rachel Cole Dalamangas for Zingmagazine), NY, USA.
- 2014, Raquel Rabinovich’s, Essay by Alex Bacon, “Gateless Gates” exhibition, Y Gallery New York.
- 2014, Chronicles of Time, 2002 and Essays by Linda Weintraub on sculpture installations “Emergences” alongside Hudson River.
- 2014, Sculpture and Dance Collaboration, Video documenting sculpture and dance collaborationsRaquel Rabinovich/Julie Manna, Hudson River.
- 2013, Emergences Video, Documentary: stone sculpture installations along the shores of Hudson River.
- 2009, Cuenca Biennial Video, Documentary: exhibition sculpture installation/drawings “River Library” 10th International Cuenca Biennial, Ecuador.
- 2000, Time of the Gazing: A Glance at Raquel Rabinovich, Documentary of Raquel’s work, including interviews with the artist and others.