Artist: Sigfredo Chacón
July 17, 2016 – September 18, 2016
Trasnocho Cultural
Caracas, Venezuela
La exposición Pinturasparadaltónicos del artista venezolano Sigfredo Chacón (Caracas, 1950), presenta una selección de obras sobre tela y papel realizadas entre 2011 y 2016, donde el autor propone un alfabeto cromático diferente al que se maneja convencionalmente, basado en la percepción de sus dos hijos daltónicos. Aquí, como en parte de su obra precedente, establece un contrapunto entre lo visual y lo textual, poniendo al descubierto la no coincidencia entre el color estándar y sus equivalentes daltonianos.
August 15, 2016 Sigfredo Chacón: Pinturasparadaltónicos / Colorblindpaintings Sigfredo Chacón
Pinturasparadaltónicos / Colorblindpaintings
July 17, 2016
Transnocho Cultural
Caracas, Venezuela
Artists: Emilia Azcárate, Artur Barrio, Jacques Bedel, Coco Bedoya, Luis F. Benedit, Paulo Bruscky, Jorge Caraballo, Sigfredo Chacón, Emilio Chapela, Guillermo Deisler, Mirtha Dermisache, Anna Bella Geiger , León Ferrari, Jaime Higa, Eduardo Kac, Leandro Katz, Guillermo Kuitca, David Lamelas, Marie Orensanz , Clemente Padín, Claudio Perna, Federico Peralta Ramos, Dalila Puzzovio, Juan Pablo Renzi, Osvaldo Romberg, Juan Carlos Romero, Eduardo Santiere, Mira Schendel, Pablo Suarez, Horacio Zabala, and Carlos Zerpa.
Grafías y ecuaciones
June 1 – August 5, 2015
Henrique Faria Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina
¿En qué momento una letra se convierte en una figura, un garabato en un signo, una línea en un significante, una imagen en una palabra, un poema en un dibujo, una consigna política en una afirmación de lo sensible? ¿En qué momento, en qué preciso momento, nuestra percepción se disloca para entrar en una zona de turbulencia en la que se entreveran signos y figuras? Grafías y ecuaciones es una exploración en las obras de artistas que transitaron por esa zona de turbulencia donde las divisiones convencionales entre palabra e imagen ya no funcionan.
Las grafías de las obras que se exhiben en esta exposición son también ecuaciones: equivalencias y analogías que hace la imaginación para encontrarse con la diferencia, lo irreductible o el sinsentido en un laberinto de trazos metafísicos, políticos o plásticos. Sea como medición previa para cualquier obra, sea como traducción irrisoria o paródica, sea como pasaje de un sistema a otro, la diferencia entre signo lingüístico e imagen visual colapsa para dar lugar a un campo experimental que nos impulsa a una indagación por el Sentido y, al mismo tiempo, a una exploración de los sentidos.
Gonzalo Aguilar
August 5, 2015 Emilia Azcarate, Sigfredo Chacón, Emilio Chapela, Eduardo Costa, Diana de Solares, Marcolina Dipierro, Jaime Gili, Juan Iribarren, Bárbara Kaplan, Luis Roldan, Osvaldo Romberg, Horacio Zabala: Dirty Geometry Emilia Azcárate, Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck, Cecilia Biagini, Sigfredo Chacón, Emilio Chapela, Eduardo Costa, Willys de Castro, Diana de Solares, Marcolina Dipierro, Eugenio Espinoza, Jaime Gili, Mathias Goeritz, Juan Iribarren, Bárbara Kaplan, Ramsés Larzábal, Raúl Lozza, Beatriz Olano, César Paternosto, Alejandro Puente, Luis Roldán, Osvaldo Romberg, Joaquín Torres García, and Horacio Zabala.
Dirty Geometry
December 2 -7, 2014
Curated by Osvaldo Romberg
Mana Contemporary
Miami, FL, USA
Dirty geometry has existed throughout 20th century art although not in a manifest way; it implies a subversion of the laws of logical rigor, systemism and utopian modernism that have pervaded geometry since Kandinsky. In his milestone book Concerning the Spiritual in Art, Kandinsky argues against geometry as decoration; instead, he promotes geometrical painting as a spiritual tool. The quest of the spiritual, of a balance between the mind and intellectual order constituted the fundamental idea behind geometric art. Geometrical abstraction was used in different times, as we see for instance in Kandinsky’s compositions, in the rigorous nihilism of Malevich’s “Black on Black”, and in the concrete iconography of Max Bill.
Through my concept of “Dirty Geometry,” I want to undermine the rigid, global imposition of geometry that has dominated from the beginning of the 20th century. Of course, other artists have already played with this approach more or less consciously: Rothko when he broke the grid, Frank Stella with his Cone and Pillars series from the eighties.
However I came to realize that Latin-America offers the most prominent examples of “Dirty Geometry.” First, this might be explained by the often rudimentary absorption of the center by the periphery, as peripheral access to major art trends has long been mediated by art reproductions, and perceived through local cultural prisms. This is even truer in Latin-America where most countries lacked a radical and contemporary art scene. Secondly, in Latin America one always finds forms of political and existential resistance against the values of neo-liberalism embodied by the center.
“Dirty Geometry” will question different aspects of American, Russian and European abstract art such as the imposition of polished finish on paintings, the compositions and the purity of its lines, classical applications of colors inherited from the Bauhaus, Concrete Art, etc.
In the forties for instance, the Latin-American group MADI challenged the format of the canvas, the relation between two and three dimensions, etc. In the sixties the Latin-America group of Kinetic Art in Paris challenged the static geometry produced by artists such as Vasarely and Herbin, and introduced movement, light and shadow to abstract art.
I would therefore suggest that Latin-America has proceeded to elaborate a kind of creolization of the dominant geometrical art; this is a recurrent phenomenon in other fields of Latin-American culture, and we encounter it in religion, education, food, inventions, etc.
The more figuration moves away from reality and representation, the more it needs to resort to theory in order to retain legitimacy. Geometry as we traditionally conceive it can only be legitimized by a tight, rigid theoretical framework. “Dirty Geometry” is therefore a rebellious attempt to break from all theoretical frameworks and thus invent a geometry that would be free from theory. This is a dirty war, one that we could define as “below the belt”. George Bataille believed that “divine filth” brings about true eroticism; likewise, I would suggest that it is possible to bring about an eroticism of geometry through dirt.
November 24, 2014 Carla Arocha – Stephane Schraenen, Sigfredo Chacón & Jorge Pedro Núñez: En blanco y negro Carla Arocha- Stephane Schraenen, Antonio Asis, Paulo Castro, Sigfredo Chacón, Adriana Jebeleanu and Jorge Pedro Núñez
En blanco y negro
April 2014
Kabe Contemporary
Miami, FL, USA
En blanco y negro is a group show featuring works by six contemporary artists. The works that comprise this exhibition display a diverse array of techniques: drawing, painting, photography and sculpture, dating from 1969 to the present. The common thread that bonds these pieces evoke a distinct vocabulary of mass, line and texture utilizing black and white materials.
May 27, 2014 Sigfredo Chacón from Spanish
My plastic research is developed through consecutive series, for example:
Serie Dibujos (Drawing Series) 1974/1989, Serie Monocroma (Monochrome Series) 1991/1993, Serie Pinturasparlantes (Talkingpaintings Series) 1993/1995, Serie Rejillas (Grilles Series), 1993 until today, Serie Purapinturabstracta (Pureabstractpainting Series) 1995, divided into: Drippings, Dibujosdepintura (Paintdrawings), Pinturastropicales (Tropicalpaintings), Crucigramasconmoscas (Crosswordswithflies), Purapintura (Purepainting), Emotionalpaintings, Serie Do you copy? (Do you copy? Series), Serie Pinturaparadaltónicos (Paintingforthecolorblind), Serie Berlinpaintings (Berlinpaintings Series).
All of this is being superimposed parallel to consecutive series in simultaneous periods. I mix one series with another and experimenting with ideas, little by little weaving the conceptual cobweb, giving a renewed sense to all the work process, always faithful to the original idea, for example that of Pureabstractpainting.
This is like a mathematical equation. I try in every moment to keep the process clear and clean, where the mother or medullar idea prevails: that painting is the medium and end of all the creative discourse, and that any reference would be painting itself.
Mi investigación plástica se desarrolla por series consecutivas, por ejemplo:
Serie Dibujos 1974/1989, Serie Monocroma 1991/1993, Serie Pinturasparlantes1993/1995, Serie Rejillas, 1993 hasta hoy, Serie Purapinturabstracta 1995 dividida en: Drippings, Dibujosdepintura, Pinturastropicales, Crucigramasconmoscas, Purapintura, Emotinalpaintings, Serie Do you copy?, Serie Pinturaparadaltónicos, Serie Berlinpaintings.
Todo esto se va sobreponiendo paralelamente en series consecutivas en periodos simultáneos, voy mezclando una serie con otra y exprimiendo las ideas, así poco a poco se va tejiendo la telaraña conceptual, dándole un sentido renovado a todo el proceso de trabajo, siempre fiel a la idea original por ejemplo de Purapinturabstracta.
Esto es como una ecuación matemática, trato en todo momento que el proceso sea muy claro y limpio, donde lo que prevalezca sea la idea madre o medular: que la pintura sea el medio y el fin de todo el discurso creativo y que cualquier referencia sea la pintura misma.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Aplicadas Cristobal Rojas, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Instituto de Diseño Newman – Ince, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Chelsea School of Art and Design, London, England.
- London College of Printing, London, England.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2003: XXVII Salón Nacional de Arte de Aragua, Premio MACMA.
- 2003: 61 Salón Arturo Michelena, Premio Andrés Pérez Mujica.
- 2001: XXV Salón Nacional de Arte de Aragua Premio CONAC.
- 1994: Premio Obra Bidimencional 4ta Bienal Nacional de Arte de Guayana.
- 1992: Mención de Honor, Obra Bidimencional 3ra Bienal Nacional de Arte de Guayana.
- 1991: Gran Premio de Pintura, Salón de Pintura 50 Aniversario, Banco Central de Venezuela.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2012: “Drawings?”, KaBe Contemporary Art, Miami, USA.
- 2009: “Do You Copy?”, Centro de Arte Periférico, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2007: “Sigfredo Chacón, Pinturas Recientes”, Galería La Cuadra, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2000: “Sigfredo Chacón Fundación Corp Group”, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 1995: “Pinturas Parlantes”, Caracas, Venezuela.
Group Exhibitions
- 2007: “Jump Cuts – Venezuelan Contemporary Art”, Colección Mercantil, CIFO (Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation), Miami, Florida, USA.
- 2007: “Correspondences Contemporary Art from the colection Patricia Phelps de Cisneros”, Wheaton College, Massachusetts, USA.
- 2007: “Extrapictórico”, Corp Banca, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2006: “Obras inéditas de la colección”, Fundación Museos Nacionales en el Museo Carlos Cruz-Diez, Museo de la Estampa y del Diseño Carlos Cruz-Diez, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 2005: “Jump Cuts – Venezuelan Contemporary Art”, Colección Mercantil, The Americas Society Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA.
- Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Museo de Arte Moderno, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia.
- Museo Jacobo Borges, Caracas, Venezuela.
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Pinturaparadaltónicos, Green”, 2011, Series: Pinturaparadaltónicos, Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Crucigramaconmoscas”, 1995, Series: Purapinturaabstracta, Acrylic and synthetic flies on canvas, 169x169cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Do You Copy?”, 2010, Series: Do You Copy?, Acrylic on canvas, 1232x132cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Pintura Dalmata”, 2009, Series: Purapinturaabstracta, Acrylic on canvas, 132x132cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Emotionalpainting”, 2008, Series: Emotionalpainting, Acrylic collage on canvas, 420x60cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Dibujoparadaltonicos”, 2012, Series: Pinturaparadaltonicos, Acrylic on paper, 76x57cm. Location: KaBe Contemporary Art, Miami. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Rejilla amarillo tráfico”, 1993, Series: Purapinturaabstracta, Acrylic on synthetic material and wood, 170x140cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Renato Doncelli
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Do You Copy?”, 2009, Series: Do You Copy?, Acrylic on canvas, 132x132cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Carlos German Rojas
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Drippings”, 2007, Series: Purapnturaabstracta, Acrylic on canvas, 122x13cm each one. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Pura pintura abstracta con 11 franjas y drippings”, 1999, Series: Purapinturaabstracta, Acrylic on canvas, 169x169cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Carlos German Rojas
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Purapinturaabstracta #22”, 1995, Series: Pura pintura abstracta, Acrylic on canvas, 169x169cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Carlos German Rojas
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Dibujo de pintura #22”, 1998, Series: Purapinturaabstracta, Lithographic ink frottage on canvas, 169x169cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Carlos German Rojas
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Pinturaparadaltonicos”, 2011, Series: Pinturaparadaltonicos, Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González
- Sigfredo Chacón, “Do You Copy?”, 2010, Series: Do You Copy?, Acrylic collage on canvas, 300x60cm. Private Collection. Photo credit: Constanza González