- Silvina Arismendi, “Measuring in Spears”, 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Measuring in Spears”, 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Measuring in Spears”, 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Night Jewels”, 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Night Jewels” (detail), 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Night Jewels” (detail), 2014, Series: Measuring in Spears, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Rak on Tur”, 2014, Wood, plywood, glass, mirror, steel, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, plant, bouncing balls, Variable dimensions.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Rak on Tur”, 2014, Wood, plywood, glass, mirror, steel, PVC lacing, erasers, bracelets, plant, bouncing balls, Variable dimensions.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Sunflower Symphony (detail)”, 2014, Wood, Plywood, PVC lacing, steel, Variable dimensions. Site-specific project. Location: Rincón Projects, Untitled Art Fair, Miami, United States. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Entrancing”, 2014, Rubber bands, nails, Variable dimensions. Site-specific project. Location: Berloni Gallery, London, England. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Entrancing” (detail), 2014, Rubber bands, nails, Variable dimensions. Site-specific project. Location: Berloni Gallery, London, England. Photo credit: Steve White, Berloni Gallery.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Uno”, 2010-2013, Series: Uno, Rubber bands, canvas, plywood, Variable dimensions. Collection of Estee Lauder Companies Inc. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Untitled” (detail), 2013, Series: Uno, Rubber bands, canvas, plywood, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Untitled” (detail), 2012, Ink on canvas, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Silvina Arismendi, “Untitled” (detail), 2012, Ink on canvas, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
My latest body of work is the result of an unrelenting research of materials and supplies. In an almost casual and brief gesture, I transform myriad of objects, gathered from everyday life, and compile them into different arrangements and situations. I attempt to give order by measuring my time, my work and my possibilities with certain materials and objects – obsessive repetition allows me to develop unique and personal systems. The work reveals in itself the process of its making, its failure or triumph.
I face every work with curiosity and try to understand how I can intervene the least to achieve the most. I look for an inner logic to my process that might lead the viewer to apparent conclusions.
I like to think of my work as an organized world that welcomes chaos and embraces the power of simplicity.
En los últimos ańos mi trabajo se enfoca en una continua investigación de materiales. En un gesto casi casual, transformo una infinidad de objetos, recolectados de la vida cotidiana y los compilo en diferentes arreglos y situaciones. Intento crear orden por medio de sistemas que me permiten medir mi tiempo, mi trabajo y mis posibilidades con ciertos materiales y objetos. La repetición obsesiva me permite crear sistemas únicos y personales. El trabajo revela en sí mismo el proceso de su elaboración , su fracaso o triunfo.
Me enfrento a cada trabajo con curiosidad y trato de entender cómo puedo hacer mínimas alteraciones para obtener máximos resultados, como puedo crear una lógica interna que pueda conducir al espectador a aparentes conclusiones.
Me gusta pensar en mi trabajo como un mundo organizado que acoge el caos y celebra el poder de la simplicidad.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2001-2007: MFA, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2015-2016: Keyholder Residency Program, Lower East Side Printshop, New York, United States.
- 2000-2007: Scholarships – Master’s Study Program, Embassy of the Czech Republic, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- 2008: Chateau, Centre for Contemporary Art FUTURA, Czech Republic.
- 2004: Informal Architecture Workshop/Marjetica Potrc, Salzburg International Summer Academy, Hallein, Austria.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2014: “Measuring in Spears“, Berloni Gallery, London, England.
- 2014: “Rak on Tur”, Brno House Of Arts, G99, Brno, Czech Republic.
- 2013: “Uno“, Subte-Centro Municipal de Exposiciones, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- 2011: “Tres/Three/Tri”, Galerie Ferdinanda Baumanna, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2010: “Things named after numbers”, Ps122, New York, USA.
- 2010: “Dos”, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- 2008: “Part-time artist”, AM180, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2006: “Some girls wander by mistake”, Galerie Mladych, Brno, Czech Republic.
- 2004: “Thanks for coming”, Galerie im Alcatraz, Hallein, Austria.
- 2004: “Jelenovi pivo nelej (Czech palindrome)”, Foundation for Contemporary Art, Gallery Jeleni, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2003: “The things made by people”, Foundation for Contemporary Art, Gallery Jeleni, Prague, Czech Republic.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “Tunnel and Lighthouses“, Wallspace Gallery, New York , USA.
- 2014: “Hin Mah Too Yah Lat Kekt”, Gallery AMU, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2013: “5X5 Castelló 2013, Premi Internacional d’art Contemporani, Espai d’art Contemporani“, Espai d’art Contemporani, Castelló, Spain.
- 2013: “Global Locals”, Gallery NTK, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2012: “Vistas”, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA.
- 2011: “Prague Biennale 5”, Prague Biennale 5, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2010: Circulo de Bellas Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
- 2009: “Melting the Pot”, Czech Cultural Center, New York , USA.
- 2009: “Pocket Utopia, Two-week residency program “, Pocket Utopia, Brooklyn, USA.
- 2008: “Move on”, Futura Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2008: “When I was a little boy, I used to play with girls”, Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy, Czech Republic.
- 2008: “Contemporary Czech Cubism”, Old town City Hall Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Silvina Arismendi, Planked Boutique (Paris: Onestar Press).
- Berloni Gallery, Measuring in Spears (Berloni).
- Jiri Ptacek, “For The Perfect Stranger: Home Inside Out“, Fotograf Magazine, 2012.
- “The Things Made by People”, Fotograf Magazine, 2008.
- Karel Cisar, “Silvina Arismendi”, Labyrint Magazine, 2008.
- Jiri Ptacek, “Silvina Arismendi”, Umelec Magazine, 2004/2.
- Collection of Estee Lauder Companies Inc., New York, USA.