Artists: Martha Gofre, Túlio Pinto and Ío
Tohu Wa-Bohu
June 6 – July 11, 2014
Bolsa de Arte
SP / RS Brazil
Tohu wa-Bohu, surge de um termo hebraico que se refere, no Gênesis, ao universo antes da criação. De difícil tradução, o espectro de sua interpretação ocupa desde a ideia de ruína até a de uma dimensão de infinita potência que nos permite aproximações com o Tao, por ser algo que não se pode expressar; e o Big Bang, por ser um paradoxal não-tempo que antecede o instante zero.
Artist: Túlio Pinto
May 14, 2014
Springsnow in Amsterdam
Artigo Rio Feira de Arte Contemporânea and Arttown Rio
PRÊMIO ARTIGO Rio 2013 – a 1a. etapa da residência do artista Túlio Pinto, foi concluída com este lindo workshop em Frankendael – Amsterdam. Em breve ele volta para ser uma das principais atrações do Springsnow Festival.
June 6, 2014 Túlio Pinto: Atelier Subterrânea
Túlio Pinto and AIA is reviewed by Atelier Subterrânea
Atelier Subterrânea
Av. Independência, n° 745, Subsolo
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
The Cultural Association Subterranea Studio is an independent art space that hosts exhibitions, workshops, chats, film and book launches, performances, and other activities related to contemporary art. The goal is to gather and provide dialogue between different audiences that have interest in the visual art scene.
It reviews the Abstraction in Action project in the article “Por onde andamos: Túlio Pinto integra a plataforma Abstract in Action” (Where to walk: Abstract in Action platform integrates Túlio Pinto).
“With the initial goal of producing an exhibition that illustrates the experimental and innovative nature of contemporary abstraction in Latin America, the developers of the Abstract in Action project soon discovered such a rich setting of this production that expanded their goals. Through the partnership between Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, curator of Abstract in Action, and Sayago & Pardon Collection, which focuses on contemporary Latin American abstraction, the virtual platform has been developed, which today serves as a reference for research and promotion of abstract art in Latin America.
Abstract in Action is defined as an area of ongoing collaboration that seeks to incorporate multiple voices of artists, curators, writers and researchers. Among the members of this network is Tulio Pinto, who composes the platform with information and pictures of various projects developed over the years. Besides the network of artists, the project has a collection of various texts and articles on the subject, and specific space for disclosure of events related to the theme.”
January 12, 2014 Túlio Pinto: Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI Pinto wins Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI
XIII Salão Nacional de Artes de Itajaí
November 16th – December 15th, 2013
Fundação Cultural de Itajaí / Rua Lauro Müler, 53, Brazil
Casa da Cultura Dide Brandão / Rua Hercilio Luz, 681, Brazil
From November 16 to December 16, 2013, Itajai presented in its space the 13 SNAI – National Arts Hall of Itajaí. This year, the Hall brought to Itajaí 114 artists from virtually every state in Brazil.
The works were presented in several areas of the city (cultural centers, parks, harbor wall, beach). The research center was composed by Caue Alves curator, artist Divine Sobral and general curator of the 13th SNAI Joshua Mattos. The choice of the three winning works was made by Ane Fernandes (Director of Art of Itajai Cultural Foundation), and Divine Caue Alves Sobral.
Acquisition prizes were awarded to artists Pink Bunchaft (Salvador), Philip Steinberg (Campinas) and Túlio Pinto (Brasília, DF – lives and works in London) with Nadir# 2 installation.
Click here to see video
January 12, 2014 Túlio Pinto the past five years, I have developed a research work in sculpture and installation with industrial materials which denote, in the constitution and the way they are presented, my intention to hold encounters of different strengths and temperaments; of oppositions that support each other at their possible limits. In my visual speech that I seek to generate, I establish the dialogue through the laws of the world, metaphors that point to the “being’s” existence; where transformation and impermanence, from the subtlety of possible balance, translate into a place of experience and reflection.
Traducido del inglés
En los últimos cinco años he desarrollado un trabajo de investigación en la escultura e instalación con materiales industriales que denotan, en su constitución y la forma que son presentados, mi intención de contener encuentros de diferentes fuerzas y temperamentos; de oposiciones que se apoyan unas a las otras dentro de sus límites posibles. En mi discurso visual busco generar, estableciendo el diálogo por medio de las leyes del mundo, metáforas que apuntan a la existencia del ser, donde la transformación e impermanencia, desde lo sutil del posible balance, se traducen a un lugar de experiencia y reflexión.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2009: UFRGS, Visual Arts, specialization in sculpture.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2014: Artist Residence, Izolyatsia, Ukraine.
- 2013: Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, XIII Salão Nacional de Artes de Itajaí, Brazil.
- 2013: Sala Taller III residency program, EAC – Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo.
- 2013: 9° Rede Nacional Funarte, project CEP: body, space and route, Brasil, Natal, Porto Alegre.
- 2011-2012: Energisa Prize for Visual Arts, Brazil, João Pessoa.
- 2011: Acquisition Prize, Art Salon of Mato Grosso do Sul 2011, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.
- 2011: FAAP residency program, Lutetia Building, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2010: Leonello Berti Acquisition Award 35º SARP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
- 2009: lV Açorianos Arts Awards, Sculpture 2009, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “From Territories”, Abysses and Intentions, Santader Cultural, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2013: “Ground”, Baró Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2013: “CEP: body, space and route”, IFRN Gallery, Natal, Brazil.
- 2012: “Recognition practices and some approximations”, Museum of sustainability – Victor Civita Square, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2012: “Transposition”, Augusto Meyer Gallery – Mario Quintana Culture House, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2011: “Diagonal”, MARP – Museum of Art of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto SP, Brazil.
- 2009: “Orthogonal Trajectories”, Goethe Institut, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2009: “Two Magnitudes”, Iberê Camargo Gallery Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Here we are from here we go”, Arróniz Gallery, Mexico DF, Mexico.
- 2012: “Salvajes Digesting Europe Piece by Piece”, Traneudstillingen Exhibition Space, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2012: “Drawing Instances”, Logo Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2012: “Drawing Instances”, School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil.
- 2011: “New Brazilian Sculpture”, Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
- 2011: “72 Hours”, MAC – RS, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
- 2011: “Rastros de Aserrín”, Centro Cultural del Parque de España, Rosario, Argentina.
- 2011: “From the Studio to The White Cube”, MARGS Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2011: “Hollow Horizon: Latin-American artists at the edge”, Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2010: “Tripod Project Parallel 30”, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, Brazil.
- 2013: De territórios, abismos e intenções, Imago art office.
- 2013: CEP: corpo, espaço e percurso, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2012: Transposição: 30°01’52.56’’S – 51°14’04.03’’O, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2011: Nova Escultura Brasileira, Gala Art Editions.
- 2010: Subterrânea, publishing house Panorama Crítico.
- 2009: Entre Séculos, Brasília National Museum.
- Figueiredo Ferraz Institute, Ribeirão Preto SP, Brazil.
- MAC-RS, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Marco – Museum of Contemporary Art of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande , MS, Brazil.
- Brasília National Museum, Brasília, Brazil.
- Ribeirão Preto Arts Museum, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
- Aldo Locatelli Municipal Art Gallery, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Pregnanciadaforma
- Ground | From Matter to Mind by Flávio Gonçalves [PDF]
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide (200x50x0.6 cm), stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. EAC – Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo | Montevideo – Uruguay, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Territories”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, chairs, table, glass slide, concrete blocks and steel cable, 131 x 100 x 200 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Diego Santovito.
- Túlio Pinto, “Abysses”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, table, glass slide, granite cube and steel cable, 200 x 100 x 356 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Diego Santovito.
- Túlio Pinto, “Complicity # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, beam steel and blown glass, 160 x 37 x 60 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist and FelipeCensi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Consensus”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, shelf 30x20cm, glass slide 120x30x0,6 cm, granite cube 20x20x20, shelf 20x20cm and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: FelipeCensi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Land Line # 3”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, Corten steel cube and glass slide, 275 x 300 x 275 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Compensation # 3”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, 02 cubes of steel and glass slide, 210 x 110 x 230 cm, Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Meeting Situation”, 2013, Series: 1/1, Sculpture, 6 m³ of sand and glass slide (160x160x0, 8cm), Variable dimensions. Baró Gallery – São Paulo – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Confidents # 1”, 2012, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, 05 wood cubes (50 x 50 x 50 cm each) and fabric, Variable dimensions. Traneudstillingen Exhibition Space – Copenhagen, Denmark, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Lines, 2012”, Series: 1/1, Installation, balloons and helium, Variable dimensions. Oeregaads Parken – Hellerup, Denmark, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Diagonal, 2011”, Series: 1/3, Installation, concrete blocks (150 x 30 x 10 cm each) and fabric, 146 x 900 x 30 cm, Art Museum of Ribeirão Preto. SP – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Time – 31 day cycle”, 2010, Series: 1/3, Sculpture, concrete block (150 x 30 x1 0 cm) and balloon, 170 x 50 x 80cm, Art Museum of Piracicaba – SP – Braszil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist and Julio Garbellini.
- Túlio Pinto, “4.5 horizontal meters”, 2009, Series: 1/3, Installation, mirror (100 x 100 cm) and 15 wooden cubes (15x15x15 cm each), 100 x 100 x 225 cm, Art Museum of Ribeirão Preto. SP – Brazil, Photo credit: Maurício Froldi.
- Túlio Pinto, “Two Magnitudes”, 2009, Series: 1/1, Installation, fabric (300 x 300cm), steel plate (100 x 100 x 1.5 cm) and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Iberê Camargo Gallery – Gasômetro Usina – Porto Alegre – Brazil, Photo credit: Anderson Astor.
- Túlio Pinto, “Orthogonal Trajectories”, 2009, Series: 1/1, Installation, concrete blocks and wooden cubes, 500x25x425cm, Subterrânea Atelier – Porto Alegre – Brazil, Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Túlio Pinto, “Nadir # 2”, 2013, Series: 1/3, Installation, glass slide, stones and steel cable, Variable dimensions. Acquisition Award at the 13th SNAI, Brazil. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.