- Jaime Ávila, “Talento Pirata”, 2013, Series: Talento Pirata, Synthetic canvas packed in plastic CD cases, Variable dimensions. Sayago & Pardon Collection. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Talento Pirata”, 2013, Series: Talento Pirata, Photography packed in plastic CD cases, Variable dimensions. CIFO Collection. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Talento Pirata”, 2013, Series: Talento Pirata, Photography packed in 240 plastic CD cases, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Talento Pirata 2”, 2013, Series: Talento Pirata, Photography packed in two thousand plastic CD cases, Variable dimensions. Colección Banco de la Republica. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Talento Pirata 3”, 2013, Series: Talento Pirata, Photography packed in two thousand plastic CD cases, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Carros Bomba”, 2006, Series: Bombas, Intervention on bank file, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Paisajes de polvo”, 2013, Chinese ink and pyroxyline on glass, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Dust”, 2008, Series: Proyecto Polvo, Chinese ink and pyroxyline on glass, Variable dimensions. Private collection. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Ciudad Imperio”, 2009, Photograph printed on one thousand cardboard cubes, 10cm x10cm each one, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Ciudad Imperio-Sao Paulo”, 2009, Photograph printed on one thousand cardboard cubes, 10cm x10cm each one, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Cinco metros cuadrados: Lima, Caracas, Bogotá, Sao Paulo, Quito. Tres metros Cúbicos: Ciudad de México, Sao Paulo, Lima”, 2003, Series: Diez metros cúbicos, Ten square meters, Photograph printed on cardboard, 10 x 10 cm each cube, Variable dimensions as an installation. Cesar Gaviria Collection. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila, “Cinco metros cuadrados: Lima, Caracas, Bogotá, Sao Paulo, Quito. Tres metros Cúbicos: Ciudad de México, Sao Paulo, Lima”, 2003, Series: Diez metros cúbicos, Ten square meters, Photograph printed on cardboard, Variable dimensions as an installation. Cesar Gaviria Collection. Photo credit: The artist.
- Jaime Ávila , “Diez metros cúbicos”, 2003, Ten thousand cubes of cardboard with printed photograph, 10 x 10 x10 cm each cube, Variable dimensions as an installation. Colección Cesar Gaviria. Photo credit: Víctor Robledo.
- Jaime Ávila , “Un metro cubico Bogotá”, 2001, Series: Diez metros cúbicos, Photograph printed on cardboard, Ten cubic meters. Colección Cesar Gaviria. Photo credit: Víctor Robledo.
- Jaime Ávila , “Un metro cubico Bogotá”, 2001, Series: Diez metros cúbicos, Photograph printed on cardboard, Ten cubic meters. Colección Cesar Gaviria. Photo credit: Víctor Robledo.
Translated from Spanish
When I was young I lived in a very small village, which nowadays is even smaller because people left and never came back. In that place lived the fantasy of building cities amongst the rubble, rocks, and dirt mountains. I drew them and spent the days playing with sticks and pieces of boxes. As a teenager I drew hyperrealist comic strips of cities I did not know, and when I arrived to the city to study engineering, the first thing I saw was a city that I had never imagined until then.
I feel like a tourist in it even today. I construct ideas that guard dislocated structures on the urban geography and inhabitants detached from their utopic legality. It surprises me how I can be disturbed by the great cultural difference between people that live in the same place, the same way I am surprised to find commonalities in remote landscapes, and that I am even more surprised to have found a city like the one I live in, which was just like any other city in a different time, as if it could predict something that already happened. Days go by, many times from the same place, and through photography, drawing, engraving, silkscreen, prints, installation, video, and sculpture, I develop projects that connect the actual urban ethnography with a mutant architecture archeology, which are often misinterpreted as if they were compact urban prosthetics that are woven exponentially over the horizon of that landscape I saw as a child.
Cuando era niño vivía en un pueblo muy pequeño, hoy en día es aún más pequeño porque la gente se fue y no volvió. Allí en ese lugar vivía la fantasía de construir ciudades entre montañas de escombros, rocas y tierra. Las dibujaba y pasaba los días jugando con palos y pedazos de cajas, de adolescente dibuje historietas hiperrealistas de ciudades que no conocía; cuando llegué a la gran ciudad a estudiar ingeniería, lo primero que vi fue una ciudad que nunca imagine hasta entonces.
Hoy en día me siento aun turista en ella. Construyo ideas que acorazan estructuras desarticuladas sobre la geografía urbana y habitantes desconectados de su legalidad utópica. Me sorprende demasiado como me puede perturbar la gran diferencia cultural entre gente muy cercana que habita un mismo lugar, de igual manera me sorprende encontrar cosas en común en paisajes remotos y me sorprende aún más encontrar una ciudad como esta, donde habito, que fue igual a otra ciudad en otra época, como si pudiera predecir algo que ya paso. Pasan los días, muchas veces desde un mismo lugar y así, por medio de la fotografía, el dibujo, el grabado, la serigrafía, los impresos, la instalación, el video y la escultura elaboro proyectos que conectan la actual etnografía urbana con una arqueología arquitectónica mutante, muchas veces violentada y materializada como si fueran prótesis urbanas compactas que se tejen exponencialmente sobre el horizonte de ese paisaje que veía desde niño.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 1985-1992: Ingeniería Civil y Artes Plásticas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2001: Beca Residencia México, Ministerio de Cultura Colombia, FONCA México, Ciudad de México-Tijuana, Mexico.
- 2005: Artista invitado por la Universidad de Harvard , David Rockefeller Center para Estudios Latinoamericanos, Cambridge, USA.
- 2008: Madrid Miradas, Ministerio de Asuntos Culturales y de Ministerio de Asuntos Culturales y de Cooperacion de España , Madrid, Spain.
- 2005: Mención,Salón de Arte Bidimensional , Fundación Gilberto Álzate Avendaño FUGA, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2003: Mención, Premio Luis Caballero, Instituto Distrital de las Artes IDARTES , Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2001: Premio Salón Regional de Artistas, Ministerio de Cultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2000: Primer Premio,Primer premio, IX Salón Internacional de Arte Joven MAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo , Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1998: Beca impresos revista PLASTICA , Ministerio de Cultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1997: Primer Premio VII Salón de Arte Joven, Planetario Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1993: Beca Colcultura Patios Urbanos, Colcultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1992: Mención Especial II Bienal de Arte de Bogotá, MAMBO Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1991: Mención Especial, I salón de Arte Joven , Planetario Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “Talento Pirata”, Nueveochenta Galería, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2012: “Bestiario”, M&R Galería, Cali, Colombia.
- 2009: “Cinco Metros Cúbicos”, MUSAC, Montería, Colombia.
- 2006: “Bombas”, Galería Alcuadrado, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2005: “Life Is a Runway”, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
- 2005: “4th World “, Sandra & Philip Gordon Gallery, Boston, USA.
- 2005: “Life Is a Runway”, Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, USA.
- 2005: “Puntos de Fuga”, Galería El Museo, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2004: “Diez Metros Cúbicos”, Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia, Cali, Colombia.
- 2003: “Cuarto Mundo: Diez metros Cúbicos “, Galería Santa Fe, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2001: “México: Un metro Cubico”, Museo Carrillo Gil, México DF, Mexico .
- 2000: “Los Radioactivos”, Alianza Francesa, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1997: “Comunicado de Washington “, Galería Espacio Alterno, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1994: “No Toque la Mercancía”, Galería Santafé, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1993: “Patios Urbanos”, Consejo Británico, Bogotá, Colombia.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “A City on the Edge”, Gdansk Dolne Miasto, Gdansk, Poland.
- 2013: “Bogotapolis”, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, Norway.
- 2012: “Pinta Nueva York”, Nueveochenta Galería , Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2011: “Resurfaced, Contemporary Colombian Art“, Magnanmetz Gallery, New York, USA.
- 2010: “Changing the Focus: Latin American Photography (1990-2005)“, Museum of Latin American Art, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2008: “Madrid Mirada“, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain.
- 2008: “Sin Remedio”, Galería Alcuadrado, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 2007: “Photoquai Biennale des Images du Monde“, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France.
- 2006: “Art Bassel”, Galería Alcuadrado, Miami, USA.
- 2006: “Dark Places “, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2006: “C on Cities C Photo Magazine”, X Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia, Venecia, Italy.
- 2006: “9 Bienal de La Habana”, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas de Cuba, La Habana, Cuba.
- 2006: “ARCO 06”, ARCO, Madrid, Spain.
- 2004: “26 Bienal de Sao Paulo”, Fundación Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- 2004: “Streets of Desire”, Bienal de Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
- 2002: “Mapas Abiertos”, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain.
- 1999: “lll Bienal de arte de Mercosur”, Fundación Mercosur , Porto Alegre , Brazil.
- 1994: “1994 XXXV Salón Nacional de Artistas”, Colcultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1992: “Salón Nacional de Artistas”, Colcultura, Bogotá, Colombia.
- 1989: “IX Salón Arturo Ravinovich”, Museo de Arte Moderno, Medellín, Colombia.
- Ivory Press, International photo Magazine. Number three (London: Ivory Press London), 94-114-291.
- Alejandro Catellote, Mapas Abiertos (Madrid: Lunwerg Editores y Fundación Telefónica), 30, 174-175, 330.
- José Roca y Sylvia Suarez , Trans político (Barcelona: Lunwerg, S.L.), 47.
- Natalia Gutiérrez, Ciudad Espejo (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia), 51-58.
- Diego Garzón, De lo que somos (Madrid: Lunwerg Editores), 102, 158, 180.
- Museo Quai Branly, PHOTOQUAI Biennale Des Images Du Monde (Paris: Nicolas Chaudun), 66-67.
- Natalia Gutiérrez, “Jaime Ávila”, ArtNexus, 2007, 54-58.
- Claude Postel, “Photoquai, la photo au bord du fleuve”, Connaissance des ARTS PHOTO 13, 2007, 46.
- CIFO, Miami, USA.
- Banco de la Republica , Bogotá, Colombia.
- Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Mambo, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Sayago & Pardon, Los Ángeles, USA.
- Alberto Borea, “View of Installation”, 2008, Series: Highways, Black Paint, wood frames, staples, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “Highway #1”, 2008, Series: Highways, Black Paint, wood frames, staples, 267 x 293 x 48 cm.
- Alberto Borea, “Ruins and Cities”, 2008, Keyboards, VHS tapes and structure, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “Ruins and Cities”, 2008, Keyboards, VHS tapes and structure, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “S/T”, 2009, Series: Occidentalismos, VHS films, plexiglass, resin, 250 x 240 cm.
- Alberto Borea, “The Bridge and the Lake”, 2013, Series: Occidentalismos, VHS films on wall, 1371 x 457 cm. Site-specific project. Location: Queens Museum, New York , United States.
- Alberto Borea, “Arqueologias I, II “, 2009, Silkscreen and mixed media on canvas, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “The city in in my head”, 2010, Series: Unique, Plastic comb, wood, white paint and led lights, 28 x 17 x 13 cm.
- Alberto Borea, “Here comes the light”, 2011, wood matches, wood, black paint, fluorescent lights, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “Here comes the light (Detail)”, 2011, Wood matches, wood, black paint, fluorescent lights, Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “Geografia”, 2009, VHS tapes, plexiglass, resin., 175 x 250 x 22 cm.
- Alberto Borea, “Sculpture Park”, 2012, Series: Unique, Found Aluminum, collage, wood., 65 x 140 x 120 cm.
- Alberto Borea, “View of Installation, Paradero”, 2013, Series: Combis, Found buses, paint and mixed media., Variable dimensions.
- Alberto Borea, “Ciudad Mexico”, 2014, Series: Combis, Public buses, paint and mixed media., 178 x 77 x 7 cm.
My work is characterized by the continuous displacement and use of diverse media and materials. The openness towards these media helps me defining the development of an artistic proposal, where the object’s time and history take a fundamental importance within the plastic discourse.
I am interested in the relation between different cultures and histories, between the so-called center and its periphery.
The concepts related to ruins and progress are part of my interests as an artist.
Raised in Lima in the 80’s during the Peruvian civil war influenced my practice and my relation with the objects and their symbolism.
The position of distance about cultural, economic and social events constitute an important part in the process and execution of my projects.
I find myself attracted to the residues of civilization and in mapping and conceptualizing these materials for my work.
Mi trabajo se caracteriza por el uso y continuo desplazamiento de diversos medios y materiales. La apertura hacia estos medios, me ayuda a definir el desarrollo de una propuesta artística, en donde el tiempo y la historia del objeto cobran una importancia fundamental en el discurso plástico y en su proceso.
Me interesa la relación entre distintas culturas e historias, entre el llamado centro y la periferia. Los conceptos relacionados con la ruina y la promesa de la modernidad son algunos de los intereses conceptuales en mi práctica.
Haber vivido en Lima durante la guerra interna de los años ochenta ha influido en mi práctica como artista así como en mi relación con los objetos y sus simbolismos.
La posición de distancia ante fenómenos culturales y económicos constituye una parte importante en el proceso y en la ejecución de mis proyectos.
Estoy atraído por los residuos de la civilización y en la idea de mapear y resignificar estos objetos en mi trabajo.
Selected Biographical Information
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2011: Sculpture Space Residency, Utica, United States.
- 2013: Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), New York City, United States.
- 2010: International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York City, United States.
- 2009: Pollock Krasner Grant, VSC, Vermont, United States.
- 2009: Art OMI, New York, United States.
- 2008: Fundacion Cineros de Patricia de Phelps, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, United States.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “La Naturaleza de la Defensa”, Galeria Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Peru.
- 2012: “Because of Construction”, Y Gallery, New York, United States.
- 2009: “S/T”, Galeria Isabel Hurley, Malaga, Spain.
- 2008: “Residencia”, Espacio La Culpable, Lima, Peru.
- 2008: “Ruinas y Ciudades”, Galeria Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Peru.
Group Exhibitions
- 2014: “Permission to be Global“, Museum of fine Arts Boston, Boston, United States.
- 2013: “Queens International“, curated by Hitomi Hiwasaki and Meiya Cheng, Queens Museum, New York City, United States.
- 2013: “The Name, The Nose”, curated by Raul Zamudio, MuseoLaboratorio, Citta San Angello, Italy.
- 2012: “New York”, Art Museum of the Americas, curated by Paco Cano, Eva Mendoza and Jodie Di Napoli, Washington DC, United States.
- 2012: “Tracing the Unseen Border” curated by Ian Coffre and Omar Lopez Chahoud, La Mama Gallery, New York City, United States.
- 2011: “Dublin Contemporary“, curated by Jota Castro and Christian Viveros Faune, Earls Terrace, Dublin, Ireland.
- 2011: “El Museo Biennial, The S files“, curated by Elvis Fuentes and Rocio Aranda Alvarado, Museo del Barrio, New York City, United States.
- Madeira Corporate Services Collection, Portugal.
- CIFO, Cisneros Fontanals, Miami, United States.
- Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, New York, United States.
Translated from Spanish
My work, influenced by my formation as a filmmaker and the constant contact with architecture, make me incorporate elements such as abstraction, geometry, memory, light, shadow, the relationships that exist in the creation processes and interaction with life itself.
The process is part of the result within itself, which makes us discover places or questions that we would not make if it wasn’t for that constant search and experimentation of situations and experiences.
The way I materialize my ideas—photography, painting, sculpture and video.
Based on the concept in which the goal is in the process of creation more than in the result, I always seek to let myself be guided by accidents and the unknown, to be able to explore new ideas of expression and abstraction.
Mi trabajo, influenciado por una formación como cinematógrafo y el constante contacto con la arquitectura hacen que incorpore elementos como la abstracción, la geometría, la memoria, la luz, la sombra, la relación que existe en los procesos de creación e interacción con la vida misma.
El proceso es parte del resultado en sí mismo; aquel que hace que descubramos lugares o preguntas que no nos formularíamos si no fuera por esa constante búsqueda y experimentación de situaciones y experiencias.
Las forma en la que materializo mis ideas son: fotografía, pintura, escultura y video.
Basado en el concepto de que la meta está en el proceso de creación más que en el resultado, siempre busco dejarme llevar por los accidentes y lo desconocido para explorar nuevas ideas de expresión y abstracción.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- Cinematógrafo, Capilano College, Vancouver, Canada.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2012: Residencia estudio extendido, Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “En las profundidades de la naturaleza, la razón debe inclinarse”, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2012: “Rock and Roll“, Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2012: “Mondrian abstract skating”, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Sala Juarez, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2012: “Losing Mysealf”, Calle 2, Pabellón A, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “(untitled)”, San Pedro, Garza, García Nuevo León, Mexico
- 2013: “Sin necesidad de profecías”, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2013: “Tinnitus y Fosfenos”, Museo de Arte Zapopan, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2013: “Paradise is an Island so is Hell”, Careyes, Jalisco, Mexico.
- 2011: “Everything Must Go”, New York, USA.
- 2013: Rock and Roll, Casa Vecina, estudio extendido.
- Sayago & Pardon, CA, USA.
- Colección Suro, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Colección Fajer, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Colección Enrique Macotela, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Varias colecciones privadas San Pedro, Garza-Garcia, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled”, Masking tape and acrylic paint, 60 x 50 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled” (Detail), Masking tape and acrylic paint, 60 x 50 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012”, 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012” (Detail), 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “transworld skateboarding 2005-2012” (Detail), 2012, Acrylic paint on magazine pages, 38 x 32 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure” (detail), C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “imperfect ramp as imperfect structure”, C-print, 45 x 35 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “TL 1948”, Wood, glass and aluminum, 150 x 80 x 15 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “mondrian abstract skating”, Vinyl, wood, neon, ramp, melamine, Installation, 120 x 170 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “storytellers”, Magazine pages, acrylic, 39 x 31 cm each. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “storytellers” (detail), Magazine pages, acrylic, 39 x 31 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “The Economist (19 abril de 1968), (22 de marzo de 1968)”, 2013, Acrylic paint on canvas, 34 x 40 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
- Adrián S. Bará, “untitled”, Collage, 100 x 70 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and FIFI projects
Translated from Spanish
I divide my artistic production in three simultaneous directions. The phenomenological; the epistemological; and the topological. Perception, culture and place. Every direction converges in the human condition. Each one of these directions has its own visual language. The works focused on perception are full of color, of light. They oscillate between geometry and minimalism. Those centered in culture are textual and monochromatic. They oscillate between the joke, the absurd, the messianic and the politically incorrect. The ones focused on place are the backbone of my work. Through trips and moves I determine and subjectively give signs and values to cities and places. An un-scientific anthropology. A unique language in each place, which goes from the figurative to land art. There is a back and forth between directions and visual languages. I find, through constant exploration, my work’s reason to be.
Divido mi producción artística en tres direcciones simultáneas. Lo fenoménico, lo epistemológico y lo topológico. La percepción, la cultura y el sitio. Todas las direcciones convergen en la condición humana. Cada una de estas direcciones tiene su lenguaje plástico particular. Las piezas enfocadas a la percepción están llenas de color, de luz. Oscilan entre la geometría y el minimalismo. Aquellas enfocadas a la cultura son textuales y monocromáticas. Oscilan entre la broma, el absurdo, lo mesiánico y lo políticamente incorrecto. Las piezas enfocadas al sitio son la columna vertebral de mi trabajo. A través de viajes y cambios de residencia determino y subjetivamente le doy signos y valores a ciudades y lugares. Una antropología acientífica. Un lenguaje único en cada sitio, que va desde lo figurativo al land art. Existe un ir y venir entre direcciones y entre lenguajes plásticos. Encuentro en una constante exploración la razón de ser de mi trabajo.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2002-2005: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara. Arquitecto.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2011: “En el borde de la razón, somos”, November 3- January 3, Curro y Poncho, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- 2010: “Fallas de origen”, August 5-November 1, Curro y Poncho, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- 2005: “No es una moda, es un estilo de vida…”, September 8- October 9, Museo de las Artes, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Group Exhibitions
- 2011: “Todo en mi cabeza esta padrísimo (espectros de gocé. Una curaduría situacional)”, October 5-Ongoing, PISO 51, D. F., Mexico.
- 2011: “La muerte del autor ….(local)”, July 14-September 30, Curro y Poncho, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- 2011: “Grange Gardens Sculpture Project”, March 11-27, Grange Gardens, Grange Walk, Galerie8, London, England.
- 2010: “Chewbacca to Zapata: Revisiting the myth of the Mexican Revolution”, September 25-November 20, Morono Kiang Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2010: “Totem. Tree Amigos”, January 23-March 2, Abarrotera Mexicana, Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Octavio Abúndez, “No.4”, 2007, Series: Forgetting Architecture, Digital print, Variable dimensions. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “No.4 (3)”, 2011, Series: All the things in between, Digital print, 59 1/16 in. (150 x 150 cm., Site specific project, Collection Diego Valenzuela. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Punta Mita”, 2011, Series: Untitled, Digital print, 157 1/2 x 50 3/8 in. (400 x 128 cm). Site specific project, Collection Diego Valenzuela. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Lascaux, 2012”, Acrylic on wood, 114 3/16 x 80 11/16 x 2 in. (290 x 205 x 5 cm). Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Continuidad de los parques II”, 2008, Collage, 33 1/16 x 26 in. (84 x 66 cm). Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Tunnel vision”, 2010, Series: Something Nothing, Stainless steel, 98 7/16 x 74 13/16 x 5 15/16 in. (250 x 190 x 15 cm). Collection: Nate Berkus, New York. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Babel Horizontal II”, 2012, Series: Babel, wood with automotive paint, 90 9/16 x 55 1/8 x 2 in. (230 x 140 x 5 cm). Collection: Jose Adrían Moreno, Alejandra Gonzalez, Mexico City. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Estas ruinas que ves”, 2010, Alabaster, 13 3/8 x 5 1/8 x 4 5/16 in. (34 x 13 x 11 cm). Collection: Abúndez Alatorre, Guadalajara. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “New York”, 2009, Series: Untitled, Digital print, 118 1/8 x 86 5/8 in. (300 x 220 cm). Site specific project. Collection: Abúndez Alatorre, Guadalajara. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Space is only density”, 2011, Digital print, Variable dimensions. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Fin de caminos”, 2011, Digital print, Variable dimensions. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Babel Horizontal III”, 2012, Series: Babel, Wood with automotive paint, 149 5/8 x 66 15/16 x 2 in. (380 x 170 x 5 cm). Collection: Jose Luis Carrillo, Mariana Aldaco, Guadalajara. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Monumento”, 2012, Wood, 23 5/8 x 10 5/8 x 7 7/8 in. (60 x 27 x 20 cm). Site specific project, Location in Guadalajara. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “Zero Energy”, 2012, Series: Something Nothing, Stainless steel, 63 x 51 1/8 x 5 7/8 in. (160 x 130 x 15 cm). Collection: Agapi Burkard, San Francisco. Image courtesy of the artist.
- Octavio Abúndez, “San Diego-Tijuana”, 2012, Series: Untitled, Digital print, 78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in. (200 x 200 cm). Site specific project. Image courtesy of the artist.