Translated from Spanish
My work is based in the fusion of two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums, from traditional painting to site-specific installations, using architecture as a language that allows me to dialogue within different forms of representation.
The Works emerge and are comprised of traditional basics in visual compositions, adjusting to the limits of the utilized support, in this case, the architectural space.
Architecture is transformed not only in a form of rational and constructive processes in the use of matter in a functional manner. In my work, architecture transforms itself in something that goes beyond. Everything in this world, each thing, as simple as it may be, has architecture of its own. To me, the real meaning of architecture is found in its perception, visualization and reception, in terms of a formal-conceptual production of visual elements. Improvisation is a basic principle related to necessities that have to be solved. The most basic and ancient architecture is based on improvisation, to be adjusted to certain functions and aesthetic solutions.
The principle of my sculptural installations has avant-garde aesthetics from the beginning of the 20th century as their main reference, using Russian Constructivism as a model, and integrating thoughts and aesthetics derived from de-constructivism.
The use of pictorial and sculptural elements establishes a dialogic resistance and interaction. On the other hand, it represents a compositional structure that works in relation to elements of tension and suspension, where time and contemplation provoke a state of uncertainty, through the improvisation of forms, used construction elements and materials and arranged in real spaces, as a tactic of domestic, utopic and experimental architecture.
Mi trabajo se basa en la fusión de medios bidimensionales y tridimensionales; de pintura tradicional a instalaciones de sitio específico. Utilizando la arquitectura como un lenguaje que me permite el diálogo entre diferentes formas de representación.
Las obras surgen y se componen de fundamentos tradicionales en composiciones plásticas, ajustándose a los límites del soporte utilizado, en este caso, el espacio arquitectónico.
La arquitectura se convierte no sólo en una forma de procesos racionales y constructivos del uso de masas de una manera funcional. En mi trabajo la arquitectura se convierte en algo que va más allá. Todo en este mundo, cada cosa, por más simple que sea tiene una arquitectura en sí misma, para mí el significado real de la arquitectura se encuentra en su percepcion, visualizacion y recepcion, en términos de una producción formal-conceptual de elementos plasticos.
La improvisación es un principio básico en relación con todas las necesidades que tienen que ser resueltas. La arquitectura en sus formas más básicas y antiguas es en primer termino improvisación para ajustarse a determinadas funciones y soluciones esteticas.
El principio de mis instalaciones escultóricas tiene como referencia principal a estéticas de la vanguardia de principios del siglo XX, teniendo como modelo el Constructivismo ruso principalmente e integrando pensamientos y esteticas derivados del deconstructivismo.
El uso de elementos pictóricos y escultóricos establece, en un sentido, una resistencia y una interacción dialógica. Por otro lado, representa una estructura compositiva que trabaja en relación con elementos de tensión y suspenso, en donde el tiempo y la contemplación provocan un estado de incertidumbre, a través de la improvisación de formas, elementos y materiales constructivos usados y dispuestos en espacios reales como una forma de arquitectura doméstica, utopica y experimental.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
- 2006: Lic. Artes Plasticas ENPEG La Esmeralda. Mexico DF, Mexico.
- 1997: Escuale de Arq. Universidad Anahuac. Mexico DF, Mexico.
Prizes / Fellowships
- 2011-2013: Sistema Nacional de Creadores. FONCA, Mexico.
- 2007: Premio de Adquisicion Pintura.Universidad de Guadalajara UAG. Mexico.
- 2007: Mencion Honorifica. Diesel New Art Estocolmo.
- 2006: Mencion Honorifica. WTC Art Fest 06. Mexico City. Mexico.
- 2006: Premio de Adquisicion Pintura. Auditorio Nacional-UNAM.
- 2004-2005: Mencion Honorifica y beca de Produccion. Mex-Am Foundation.
- 2004-2005: Jovenes Creadores (Pintura). FONCA, Mexico.
Solo Exhibitions
- 2013: “Out of Order”, Salt Fine Art, Laguna Beach, USA.
- 2013: “Supremat”, Yautepec Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2013: “Oktubre”, Polyforum Siqueiros, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2011: “CCC Project Reading the Space”, Space CAN Seoul – CAN Foundation Seoul, South Korea.
- 2011: “Reading the Space / Anibal Catalan”, Space CAN Beijing – CAN Foundation, Beijing, China.
- 2010: “Open Sky”, Drexel Proyectos, Monterrey, Mexico.
- 2009: “Overlap / Anibal Catalan”, La Estacion Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2008: “Overland”, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles, USA.
- 2007: “Free & Mobile”, Gallery 415, San Francisco, USA.
Group Exhibitions
- 2013: “Mesocosmos”, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico.
- 2012: “Meta Empire”, (Special Exhibition Daegu Photo Biennale) EXCO Daegu Exhibition Center, Daegu, Korea.
- 2012: “After the Future”, Eva International Biennial of Visual Art, Limerick City, Ireland.
- 2012: “An Exchange with Sol LeWitt”, MASS MoCA, USA.
- 2010: “Cimbra: Formas Especulativas y Armados Metafísicos”, Museo de Arte Moderno MAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2010: “Mongolia 360 ̊ 1st International Land Art Biennial”, National Mongolian Modern Art Gallery, Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
- 2008: “Its Not Easy”, Exit Art, New York, USA.
- 2008: “Proyectos para Desconstruccion”, MUCA Roma, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2008: “XIV National Painting Biennial Rufino Tamayo”, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, Mexico.
- 2008: “Qui vive”, I Moscow International Biennale for Young Art. Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia.
- 2006: “Premio Internacional de Pintura Expandida”, Museo de Castellon, Castellon de la Plana, Spain.
- 2013: “Mesocosmos.” MARCO Monterrey. Catalogo.
- 2012: “Carga Util 39 Artistas Contemporaneos en el MAM,” Museo de Arte Moderno. Catalogo.
- 2012: “After the Future,” Eva International Biennial of Art, Catalogo.
- 2011: “Reading the Space / Anibal Catalan.” Catalogo ,CAN Foundation, Seoul, South Korea.
- 2012: “The Wave.” Museum of Latin American Art MoLAA. Catalago.
- 2012: “Selections from the Sayago & Pardon Collection.” L.A. ArtCore Center.
- 2012: “Memorias,” MUCA Roma 2006-2009.
- 2012: “Textofilia No 19.” Anuario 2010-2011. Pags.72-81
- 2010: “Art Nexus No. 78.”
- 2010: “Art in America,” September 2008 . No 8. Pags. 175,176
- 2010: “Destellos de la Pintura en Mexico 200 años.” Editorial MVS.
- 2010: “Fonca 20 Años,” Conaculta.
- 2010: “Almost Utopia,” 18th street Annual Program Catalogue. Pages 5-11. Jan 2010
- 2009: “THE Magazine.” Feb-March.2009
- 2009: “Art Scene TM,” March 2009. Vol.28 No.7
- 2009: “M-Art. Emerging Artist Guide,” 2009 vol.2
- 2008: “Art Nexus. No 66.”
- 2008: “Los Angeles Times.” 06/28/2008
- 2007: “L.A Weekly.” 04/26/2007
- MAM Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico.
- MARCO Museo de Arte Contempoiraneo de Monterrey, Mexico.
- IGC Instituto Guerrerense de la Cultura, Mexico.
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung FES, Berlin, Germany.
- CAN Foundation, Seoul, South Korea.
- GLM Comunicaciones, Mexico.
- Private Collections (Mexico, USA, Denmark, Finland, Colombia, Russia, Korea, Canada, Italy, Spain).
- Aníbal Catalán, “Zona Morfologica / Supremat”, 2013, Series: Zona Morfologica, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Zona Morfologica / Downtown”, 2011, Series: Zona Morfologica, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Zona Morfologica / Supremat 2”, 2011, Series: Zona Morfologica, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Zona Morfo”, 2011, Series: Zona Morfologica, Acrylic on canvas, 140 x 140 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Vorticity”, 2013, Installation, Variable dimensions, Coleccion MARCO Monterrey. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Zona Morfologica”, 2010, Installation, Variable dimensions, Coleccion MAM Mexico. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Morphological Zone”, 2012, Installation, Variable dimensions, Yautepec Gallery Mexico. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Babel”, 2011, Mixed media, 185 x 20 x 20 cm. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Barricada Suprematista”, 2012, Mixed media, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist and Yautepec Gallery.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Proun”, 2011, Series: Proun, Installation, Variable dimensions, Yautepec Gallery Mexico. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Overland”, 2008, Mixed media, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Instant Architectures”, 2011, Series: Instant Architectures, Mixed media, Variable dimensions. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Morpho”, 2011, Mixed media, Variable dimensions, EXPLUM Collection, Spain. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Babel”, 2009, Single channel video 2 mins. 19 sec, Still image from video. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.
- Aníbal Catalán, “Top 10”, Single channel video 9 mins. 29 sec, Still image from video. Photo credit: Courtesy of the artist.