Para mi la abstracción esta en todos lados y en todos los niveles. Nuestra mente o nuestro conocimiento sólo percibe algunos tipos de abstracción, pero si ahondamos en éste tema, lo pensamos y observamos, nuestra vida esta rodeada de abstracción.
For me, abstraction is everywhere and at every level. Our mind or knowledge can just perceive some types of abstraction, but if we go deeper into the subject, think about it and observe it, our everyday life is surrounded by abstraction.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Color photographs of several house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Color photographs of several house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Photographs of house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Photographs of house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Photographs of house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2000, Color photographs of several house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “God’s Eye”, 2013, Cosmic Tree (2013) is a “god’s eye” that has been altered in its scale and color palette. Accompanying this “god’s eye” there is an overlapping stone structure, embedded in the museum’s courtyard. The stones from which it is made come from country fields of the state of Morelos, stones that urbanites not often see in their daily transit through the city, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “Árbol Cósmico”, 2013, Cosmic Tree (2013) is a “god’s eye” that has been altered in its scale and color palette. Accompanying this “god’s eye” there is an overlapping stone structure, embedded in the museum’s courtyard. The stones from which it is made come from country fields of the state of Morelos, stones that urbanites not often see in their daily transit through the city, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “Árbol Cósmico”, 2013, Cosmic Tree (2013) is a “god’s eye” that has been altered in its scale and color palette. Accompanying this “god’s eye” there is an overlapping stone structure, embedded in the museum’s courtyard. The stones from which it is made come from country fields of the state of Morelos, stones that urbanites not often see in their daily transit through the city, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “Omnibus”, 2002, Digital color photographs, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “Omnibus”, 2002, Digital color photographs, Variable dimensions.
Claudia Fernández, “La Belleza Oculta”, 2002, Photographs of several house facades in Mexico, Variable dimensions.
Selected Biographical Information
Education / Training
1989: Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas San Carlos, Mexico City, Mexico.
Prizes / Fellowships
1997-1998: Premio de Adquisición en Instalación, VIII Bienal de Arte Femsa, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
1991-1992: Premio del Instituto de Ciencias de Guadalajara, Instituto de Ciencias de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco , Mexico.
Solo Exhibitions
2014: “Cactli-Cacle“, Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
2013: “Árbol Cósmico“, Museo Experimental El Eco, Mexico City, Mexico.
1997: “Aqui Afuera“, Museo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
1997: “El Alimento“, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico.
2002: “Zebra Crossing“, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany.
2002: “El Aire es Azul “, Casa Museo Luis Barragán, Mexico City, Mexico.
Cuauhtémoc Medina; Olivier Debroise, La Era de la Discrepancia / Age of Discrepancies (Mexico City: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO), 504.
Salón Internacional de Pintura, Cinco Continentes y una Ciudad / Five continents and one city: The Tercer Salón Internacional de Pintura [3rd International Painting Salon] (Mexico City: Howard Karno Books Inc).